Enter: Sphinx
The chill wind blowing through the leaves, rustling in the grass. Daniel’s eyes peaked open to the glimmer of a sunrise over a rocky outcropping, the land dotted with trees and bushes. He closed his eyes right back and attempted to roll around for his blanket. The hands felt like they were covered in oven mitts, and when he reached over his back he could feel the shaggy hair of some animal. A dog? No, a cat maybe. Daniel could swear there was something of a tarp draping down over the side of his haunches, yet his arms could grasp onto the edge.
He couldn’t find his pillow either.
Resting a chin against his arms, tucking his face into the crook of his elbow, the teenager simply curled up in wait for the alarm clock to beep. Any minor problems in his situation could be ignored for another hour or two, he wasn’t getting up for anything beyond an emergency. A wide, deep yawn rambles out of his mouth. He almost thought he heard the girlish tones of a woman yawning with him, but didn’t bother looking around to check. Sleep, yet more sleep, he could feel the heat of the sun beaming directly onto his flanks now. Warming his face, making his left side feel as he were back at the beach while his right side was chilled in the morning dew.
He peaked his eyes back open. No pillow, no blanket, and no walls. He could see directly into the side of a high cliff face, ancient roots stabbing into the dirt and weaving around the larger rocks like tendrils. Bushes dotted the landscape, the grass was chilled and wet by the misty morning. Looking out deeper into the valley he could even spot early fog just starting to rise above the tree tops. He couldn’t find his phone. His alarm was missing. He didn’t even see the neighbor’s house somewhere beyond a window.
Raising his head, he only just now realized he couldn’t see any houses at all.
“When is the time one hand of small, are needed to sleep by most if not all?” he asked to the thin air, Daniel trying to decide if he was dreaming or not. “Five more minutes.”
He yawned. His head drooped back down, and he truly did sleep for a time while the sun continued to rise. He was stopped by the sensation of a squirrel climbing on his face.
“Gah! Enough! Release me you vermin!” he’d roar. Clambering onto all fours and shaking his head left and right in violent jerks, the feeling of feathery arms jutting out of his back as they spread into a wide flare. The squirrel was thrown to one side and left in a daze, while Daniel stomped his fist into the dirt before him.
“What is quick to destroy, can only come on mornings, and you do not ever wish to be!” his voice thundered out. Bold, proud, and distinctly feminine despite its reverberating tones. Daniel could hear his echo from across the canyons first, then a third booming into the valley between distant, forested mountains. Daniel did not even slightly recognize who’s voice was coming out past his lips, the sounds were adult and strong and female. But he could tell he was speaking. Shouting really.
The squirrel did not appreciate his efforts to intimidate and quickly scampered off, leaving Daniel to mutter softly under his breath. ‘Breakfast.’ An answer to the question that no one heard.
Once past anger and surprise then came the confusion. He was still on four legs, but looking over to the trees he was clearly half as tall as even the largest ones while crawling. He wasn’t so much on his hands and knees as he was on his toes and his palms simultaneously. He attempts to stand up, but the hold is too shaky. After a few wobbles he drops back to the ground and decides upon using a tree to prop himself up.
When standing on just two legs he was almost as tall as the trees themselves. Judging by the height of the flowers, either everything had shrunk in a subtle way or he was suddenly larger than his mother’s car. He was pretty sure he could see over the bus if he tried. Another oddity. None of which more distressing than glancing down to see a poofy chest, the bulging fur coated paws of a tawny yellow cat, and his feet looked more like talons than anything with toes or a heel.
He drops back down to examine. Was this another dream just as real at the last ones? He suspected this is the part where he’d wake up if that was the case, few dreams allow you to linger after the illusion has been shattered. Daniel looks back to the rest of his body, sporting the main portions of a lion with feathers along most of the shoulders and part of the back, two thick and muscular raptor wings, and the hind legs that looked as if they belonged on a chicken more than his current body.
Chicken or eagle, honestly. Though Eagle sounded less like an insult in his mind.
“What happened here was the work of an instructor of fitness.” He declares instantly, once more surprised at the rumbling, yet feminine voice. As he looks to see no one else was around he mumbles. ‘Donut no.’ and saunters forward.
He could not remember how he got here or why he was in this body, but he also realized that screaming and denying its existence would not achieve any worthwhile results. In the best case scenario he would be proven wrong about his faculties and suddenly awaken, laughing at himself about how easily the dream had fooled him. In the worst case scenario this was a real event. He could not do panicking blindly and causing more trouble than was worth.
He had to do something productive, which meant finding a river or a pond. Something to drink from if need be, dangerous in the immediate term but life saving if he was stranded here and miles from civilization. He had wings and knew full well that most dreams allowed one to fly, or perhaps he’d be halfway lucky and be capable of flight in reality. When groggy and tired and barely able to walk without tripping himself was not the sensible moment to go airborne around numerous pointy trees on wings he knew nothing about.
It was not a long walk until the newly formed sphinx found a river trickling down the Cliffside. Small and burbling, but enough to fallow. He turned toward downstream and kept walking until he could spot a pond, something with still and clear water. His footsteps caused the pond to ripple, making him feel like a monster from some film series. When he gazed down he was surprised to see a human face.
Even more surprised to see a woman’s face. The long eyelashes and deep, pitch black shadow lining the outside of his eye. His face was petite in frame, completely without blemish, and his hair was neatly trimmed into a curt shape. The color was a deep black that matched the shadows around his eyes. The iris’s themselves were a bright and tawny yellow, just about matching his newfound fur. Atop his head were two catlike ears with puffy insides and black tips.
Daniel twisted his head to clear away the shock, blinking several times at the sight before him. On a whim he smiles, but finds his teeth are strait and pointed. Exceptionally neat like the rungs on a fine comb, but razor sharp and looking wicked dangerous as far as he could tell. He sticks his tongue out at his reflection. He amuses himself for a time by making silly faces, only stopping to examine the rest of his reflection.
The sphinx is only mildly disappointed to confirm what he already knew, that his lower body appeared to be that of a lion with bird feet, wings on its back and the head of a human. At least reflections worked fine. Was that something one could be pleased about?
His next order of business was to find some way to contact help, locate civilization or the authorities or possibly the tower of a park ranger. Surely this had to be a park of some sort, how far away from home could he have been? Daniel gazes into the sky, up past the cliff-side and toward the clouds. A single glance at his back and the wings folded ever so neatly. It was all one needed to reach the obvious solution.
Written by Arbon on 26 May 2016