David's Change
The door whipped opened and Gazala dashed in on all fours, leaving David in the fog filled garage. What had the sphinx said? Gazala, since coming to the USA from Lebanon, had been the brains of the group, where he had been more of the muscle, although he was certainly no dummy. The odd psychology of sphinxes had been a bit to get used to, and in her younger years, he remembered that she was able to speak more clearly, but as she grew older, she had become more intelligent, but also spoke in more vagaries. Getting a pizza order was nigh impossible. He sighed, Gazala was resigned, in a few years, to literally have all the intelligence of a city block and only to be able to speak in riddles. But right now, there was some semblance of understanding in her speech. He did feel, deep down, that he was being manipulated, even if unintentionally. He had to trust his friend, oddity that she was, that she wouldn’t lure him into danger. As he stood in the garage, choking on the thick fog, trying his best to hold his breath, the words, ever mysterious of Gazala filled his mind, that he’d be the one that would be the hero, to save them all. He’d always been the pinnacle of popularity, fast and strong, ever the athlete, but he’d always felt he was missing something in his life, that perfect someone. True, he’d managed to go through school with a string of girlfriends, none of whom ended poorly, it’s just he never felt like he had found the one. Well, he had admitted a fondness for Jackie, but she had rebuffed him. Eventually he needed to take in a deep breath, opening the windows and pumping the fog out of the garage, lifting them with greater ease. In fact, he felt fantastic. His hands and feet ached ever so slightly as he snorted, clothing seeming tighter. He paused a moment, had their stories all been true? Had they really all changed? Was he becoming something new. As he walked the soft sounds of his shoes and socks began to give way and before he knew it he heard clip clop sounds coming from what appeared to be hooves. White fur began to cascade around his legs, working up his strong calves, making them bulge with muscle. If the others complained of being made female, he seemed to suffer the opposite problem. His shoulders broadened, his chest expanded into thick rippling muscle and he felt the cut of his pants give way as it needed to make more room in the crotch. He grinned. It didn’t feel good, but it certainly didn’t feel bad. When his face began to push out, stretching longer and longer into an equine muzzle, he snorted and growled, a stinging sensation between his eyes. He felt his forehead, a small bump at the crown of his skull pushing outward and then with a pop, he felt the horn of a unicorn push free. He whinnied as he looked around the garage.
“The fog is too thick, Gazala! It’ll take an hour for all the fans to push it out.”
Gazala’s mysterious voice erupted in a growl on the other side of the door. “You are a UNICORN, your horn can purify the water of the fog, rendering it harmless.”
David blinked as he crossed his eyes and looked at the tip of the horn, shaking his head around, wondering how to activate it. He saw a puff of the fog and shoved the horn into it trying to imagine pure, filtered, spring water.
The fog shook and vibrated in the air and coalesced into a few droplets, and fell to the ground, harmless. The effect began to spread around the room, and soon everything was covered in a thin sheet of pure water. The windows were closed as David walked back in, the others crossing their arms. Well Gazala sat on all fours, front paws crossed and stared up at him.
Written by Jack Ripper on 26 December 2015