You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
Play the VR Game
You find a pair of vr googles.
You put them on and you find yourself in a game, but which one?
Written by on 06 August 2005
System Shock
You put on the VR glasses over your eyes and boot the game on your computer, a fine electronic snow filled the screen as the disks of the HD spun. As the sensorial emulators kicked in it was like being surrounded by ethereal mist, you brace yourself for the expected snap of tiny sparks to crackle over your skin. But instead, there was only an irking warmth that spread through your body as the thickening mist began to swirl faster with every heartbeat.
Had something gone wrong? Something didn’t feel right. After so many hours spent on the game, anything out of the norm was suspicious. Was the VR gear broken? Were they updating the game, or worse, were the servers down? Maybe the computer was having a malfunction.
Dozens of horror stories about malfunctions of the VR gear causing brain damage came to your mind, you had always dismissed those as paranoia and fear mongering, but now you are not so sure anymore. You had to log off!
Frantically trying to stand to reach the computer, you felt the floor dropped away. As gently as falling through a cloud, you descent into the artificial forever of the virtual reality.
However, even as it started, your fall came to a strangely relaxing halt and the electronic snow faded away to leave you in a strange, badly textured room. The software struggled to make sense of the corrupted code, senses spiraling out of control, mixing and conflicting until the safety overrides took over and made you numb.
“Piece of crap,” you muttered, as your character’s gear took a moment to load. Your armor and weapons were all there, but things were not right, their textures were corrupted, names glitched.
Feeling nervous, you decided it was better to log off at once, you couldn’t even imagine what would you do if all your gear had been permanently corrupted by this bug, it took you way too long to grind for that gear. You could feel something strange on that dungeon, nothing immediately evident, but the place felt weird. Everything seemed normal, but not exactly normal at the same time, and that was scaring the hell out of you.
With a simple gesture, you brought down the menu and reached for the logoff button to no result.
Written by ashley-natter on 14 July 2019
Get to the end of the level
“Okay,” you stated angrily. “Something is wrong.”
Closing a fist, you started pounding on the virtual button. “Work, damn you, why will you not work!”
This room was the same as every other dungeon entrance, a pentagram on the floor, half-melted candles, and one door leading deeper into the ruins of some old military base or skyscraper where demons should be awaiting. Maybe if you can make it to the teleporter on the end of the level you could force it to logoff during the loading sequence.
You tried to check your loadout, wishing you had put more time in training your soldier skills, but you had specialized as a Chimera Jockey. The class had been your favorite from day one, instead of fighting directly on the battlefield you used spells to control powerful creatures that had been altered through the use of barely understood magic.
Your first instinct is to try and summon one of your chimeras, for a dungeon like that you had always preferred the hellhounds, but the glitched menus make it impossible to summon any of your beasts.
You reached for your weapons, the shotgun materializing out of nowhere and you chambered a 12-gauge cartridge. Fifty rounds, twenty of them silver. You cursed yourself for not having a better gun on your loadout, but you had spent most of the resources making the new armor and weapons for your chimeras.
You pressed an ear against the door, listening for the sounds of any movement beyond. The silence was thick and heavy.
You reluctantly advanced to the door and pulled it open, hoping the game wouldn’t crash itself and fry your brain. As the door swung aside, you walk in the next room with your gun on the ready, waiting for the demons to appear.
Written by ashley-natter on 15 July 2019