Ninja Vanish
Thomas rushes you at a furious space. You try to figh him but your hand goes through him.
You turn around and hear a sickening thud. He's unconscious!
Carefully you float yourself towards his form. As you get closer, you notice red and gold jewellery attached to his skin. You are intrigued when you look and see the scales closer, along with claws. You reach out to move his clothing and feel the heat from his shallow breathing. It's then you notice the blood from his head.
You reach down and touch his head. Almost instantly he returns to normal! The scales pull back into his body and the light in the room dims noticeably. The fatal wound closes up until no proof remains that it was even there.
You smile in relief and back up a few steps from him. You feel a little drained from the experience, but are otherwise unharmed. You still can't see your body, you just know you are still there.
Thomas starts to wake up and looks at you. His words are, "What happened?"
"You charged me! You do not remember?"
"No, it is weird." He looks at you and offers, "I drank the fire potion and my body changed. Then I closed my eyes and woke up in here." He holds up a key and smiles, "But I found this." Incredibly, he holds it out to you.
"Let's help each other. You are after the Heartstone Pendant and so am I. Besides, a cute girl with your talents and a guy like me, what could stop us?"
Written by minerva on 26 January 2008