Seven months later
Guilmon was just upstairs; taking a rest from tilling the gardens. “It's too soon!” You begin to pace the length of the room, as you talk to yourself. “Maybe seven months is long for a digimon?” You don't know you've only been a digimon for a little over seven months. “How would that even work?!” Your voice got a little higher with panic. Can two different species have a egg together?
“We could adopt?” You mutter quieter aloud, eyeing the door where Guilmon laid beyond sleeping. You stop pacing when you realize what you've just said. “Adopt!” You say normally, forgetting Guilmon's sensitive ears. How could you be thinking that! “I'm barely a good Renamon, how could I be a good mother?”
“Renamon I can't hold back anymore.” You hear Guilmon's voice from behind you, your heartbeats that races hard against your chest. Oh god! He heard you.
“I don't even know where they come from!” You shout as you turn to cover you embarrassment. Guilmon stood there moth a gap at you words with a familiar looking suit in his arms, but this one was a Guilmon suit. You back away from it stumbling into the counter behind you.
What is that.” You say trembling at memory of the pain the transformation gave you. Guilmon sighed and kept his large dragon head turned away from you.
“I found it in the closet two weeks ago.” You eye the costume and look up at Guilmon and down at the costume.
“Leomon's party.” You whisper.
“Yes I was cleaning out the second room and found this. I went up to Leomon to ask what it was and he told me it was a path you could take to go home.” You slid to the floor, that was why he was acting weird.
“Why would you ask him?” You were generally confused, you would have thought he would have asked Caulmon.
“He's like you.” Guilmon waved a clawed hand around as if he could reach out for the words he needed, you wished he could then perhaps this conversation would be less confusing.
“He was a she, who was a human and now a digimon that's a he.” Guilmon worded awkwardly.
“What?!” You never noticed! Sure, thinking back; Leomon tried to talked to you the party. You were to distracted by eggs and Guilmon's reactions to them.
“I should have told you sooner!” Guilmon final turns and looks at you, no you correct yourself he looks though you; his eyes weren't focus. “I shouldn't have tried to force you to stay.”
Written by psto1464 on 19 July 2017