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To the village emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You find the path to the village easily despite the camouflage. And you find a big festival going on. Honoring kitsunes? Looking closer you see lots of humans wearing hats with ears and tails as well. Well this is handy for disgusing youself. You could just appear to be in costume.


And soon your in the village. Borrowing a hat from a overpriced stall your disguise is complete


Now to wander around and listen to find someone who deserves a prank. and so you move from stall to stall and hear about a farmer who is shooting foxes who he sees. Clearly, this farmer is in dire need of the kind of education only a kitsune can provide!


You quickly get over to his farm and see the fox skins on the fence, to confirm that this is the right place. Of cause the farmer is at the festivle and not home. Very well; you get the farmer’s scent -- it’s all over this place, after all -- and return to the celebration to teach a much-needed lesson.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 02 February 2011

Found Him

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