6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
Who cares about any of the other characters.
Just go as yourself.
Written by catprog on 20 November 2016
I am standing in a plane, soaring high above the ever-stretching ocean. Bounding waves send flashes of the sun’s reflection up at me, as if beckoning me. I loom over the edge of the hatch to see an approaching island. I signed up for a reality TV show that had me and a few other people sent to a remote island to work together in order to survive. They never told us much and kept everything rather vague, but the cash prize was enough to get me to this point. No turning back now. I’m a 25 yr old male, 6’ and fit. I can handle this, right?
“Alright, it’s time to jump.” The pilot notifies me to exit the plane.
I turn and look over my shoulder at the pilot who was mostly hidden by his seat. The craft is small, meant to transport only one passenger. I was knelt with a parachute strapped to my back. My nerves are going crazy from the heights. I take a moment and breathe. I take one final deep breath and, leap. I’m falling now. The wind rushing around my body as I free fall. My mid length, dark brown hair flows and pushes back. I scream for a moment before calming down. I keep my body open to stay at a slow pace until I relax.
I lift my head to see the horizon. The water below stretches far into the distance. Now calm and focused, filled with determination, I nose dive. The island now fast approaching, I discharge my chute. With a loud fwap, the material releases and unfolds, bringing my fall to a near halt in an instant. I drift down to the tree line. I steer to an opening and land on my feet with some force that causes me to lose footing. I regain myself, removing the pack. I look around, I’m standing in the middle of an open section within the heavy forestation. No other contestants in sight.
A noise draws my attention behind me. A crate was dropped giving me supplies. Without hesitation, I dart over and open the large wooden box. Inside is a rope length strip of paracord, a med kit, food rations, machete, knife, fire starter, etc and backpack. I gather my given utensils into the bag and swing it over my shoulders. Now alone and with no idea what to do or where to go, I sigh and set off.
Written by Nero Hopps on 07 June 2018
From my drop I saw that I hadn’t landed far from the beach, I suppose that is where I’ll go. As I trudge through the overgrown vegetation, I can’t shake this uneasy feeling in my gut. As soon as I landed, something, I’m not sure what, but something felt off. The sun hung high in the sky over head. I assume it is around noon. Plenty of time to look for another person and gather any needed material.
The sound of crashing waves growing louder alerts me, telling me that I am near the sand. Only a few more steps and I emerge into the open. The sun makes the pale sand seem to glow, almost unnaturally. To my left and right is just more beach. I make my way to the tide. I remove a container from my bag and grab some ocean water to boil later. Sweat beads down my forehead and over my cheeks. The heat wasn’t unbearable but still uncomfortable to stay in. After a moment of gathering I make my way back into the forest, it was time to gather materials.
Alone and wandering, I take in the sounds of the island. Birds chirp and trees rustle in the slight breeze. Small animals skitter around somewhere. But one sound in particular catches my attention. A strong rustling as if something big moving around nearby. I crouch and draw my machete for some kind of protection. I slowly make my way to the source. As I move over an incline, I see another contestant. A shorter female, roughly 5’5”, long blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail, also fit and seeming more lost than myself. I stand and call out, “Hey! Over here!”
Written by Nero Hopps on 13 June 2018
She turns sharply and seems to light up when she notices me.
“Oh, thank god!”
“How long have you been here?” I ask as we now stand before one another.
“I was dropped off about an hour ago. I already caught and ate a couple deer, but ever since, I haven’t been feeling so well.”
“Maybe you didn’t cook it thoroughly enough. I have some water to boil. I’m gonna gather some materials to build a shelter then catch some food myself. Care to join?”
“Better than wandering alone in a place like this.”
Now together, we walk on. I use my machete to cut some bare branches for firewood, while the woman set up a makeshift tent with a tarp from her crate. While she was knelt down on one knee, I find myself looking over, checking out her nice, round rear end. I raise a brow and smirk to myself before I continue to gather more wood.
Written by Nero Hopps on 18 June 2018
The sun has lowered and hovers just above the canopy. The tent is seat and some large rocks have been set in a circle, raising above the wood which has been set in a teepee formation. Standing next to each other, we look over our work with a sigh in content let out in unison. In a moment of silence, my stomach rumbles loud enough for her to hear. With a giggle, she speaks, acknowledging the sound.
Guess we should try to catch you some dinner then huh?”
I chuckle in slight embarrassment. “Might be a good idea. I never did get your name by the way. I’m Chase.”
“I’m Victoria, call me Vicki.” She extends a hand for a shake. Her hands are petite with slender fingers. She could be a hand model, or a regular model.
I return the gesture and we shake in official introduction. For a moment we gaze into each other’s eyes. Her eyes are a deep, rich hazel, with golden accents.
The light of the sun peers through the leaves overhead, giving an amber light to our surroundings. I take the paracord and cut a length from it. I huff an end over a branch, which Vicki catches and loops in a snare, after which she lays a bit of vegetables given in her crate. I tightly secure my end with a stake, causing the branch to bend slightly. With our trap set we take cover in nearby shrubbery and wait for an animal to get caught.
Written by Nero Hopps on 22 June 2018
An hour passes when finally, a bunny hops along. Vicki and I hold our breaths in wait to see if it will take the bait. The rabbit halts and sniffs, only a few feet from the vegetation. The small, forest dwelling creature inches its way closer, and closer. I tense up and clench my teeth in anticipation. The creature inches it’s way with tiny bounds, toward the bait. With one more movement, it is within the snare. Vicki pulls on the paracord and in an instant, the bunny is flicked up from the ground and its foot is entrapped. As it dangles, it flails wildly, kicking and bouncing in the air.
With a sigh of relief, I turn and nod to my hunting partner. “Nice catch.”
“Why, thank you.” She responds with a smile.
After we have killed off the animal, we take it back to our camp where I field dress and skin it. Now stripped down to bare muscle, I skewer the bunny and prop it over the fire using a make shift spit. Rotating slowly, it takes a fair amount of time to get the rabbit to a state, safe for consumption.
“Have you gone hunting before?” I ask Vicki, who is sat on the ground beside the still going fire.
“Actually, yes. I have. When I was younger, my father would take me on survival trips. He taught me how to hunt, fish, build shelter, and navigate. What about you?”
“Honestly, no. I know a bit about this survival stuff, but overall, I’m clueless.”
Vicki gives a giggle, finding my naïve nature somehow adorable.
“Aren’t you going to catch some food for yourself?”
Vicki groans and places a hand on her stomach.
“I still don’t feel right after that buck. I’ll be fine and should have my appetite back by morning.”
Written by Nero Hopps on 25 June 2018
In the Morning
I nod then consume. I am incredibly hungry, so I eat more slobbish than I normally do. I quickly finish and lay down on the ground, rubbing my belly which is thankful for even that bit of food. At this point, it is night. The sun has set and the moon hung just below the canopy, sending lunar light through the heavy wood. I release a content sigh and close my eyes. After a moment, I feel Vicki lay beside me and lay half of her body over my own. When I open my eyes, they meet hers. I place my hand on the small of her back and rub softly. We embrace as the night sets in.
Day breaks, the sun is rising, giving a warm glow to the island. Tropical birds sound their calls and the critters scurry about. I groan and stretch, releasing the night time stiffness. My eyes still closed, I run my hand up Vicki’s back, reaching her neck. I halt. I grip my fingers and palm what feels like a fistful of… fur. I snap up and open my eyes. Laying where Vicki had, is now an anthropomorphic buck. Antlers stretch from the top of his head, an eight-point rack replaced the c cup rack, a coat of warm brown and tan fur covering his body. I look down the deer’s back and see a tail flick.
With a shout, I jump up from my laying position, jolting my new sleeping partner awake.
“Wh-what?! What’s going on?” The buck exclaims as he sets himself up on the ground.
“Who, what are you?!”
Written by Nero Hopps on 27 June 2018