“This is it! My chance! Finally I can get out of here!” you think, nodding.
“I will give you the cubs and take leave.”
He only nods, “Very well.”
“Farewell, Traitor Anyaka.” Your legs are wobbly as you receive the goodbye from the captain. You cast a single last glance to the basket where they have gathered up the oversized, furry jelly beans that are our blind cubs, just born days before. They spent several nights pumping milk from you and saving it, though another female- an elder- seems to be taking over the care duties already.
You wonder, briefly, if you’ve made the right choice. “No. I have. Leaving is best. I’m not a part of them, I just ended up here.”
You turn away to face the parting entrance to the woods where you imagine you will find the key to changing back. You feel your furred cheeks shift, turning up into a strange, fangy smile before you begin to step forward.
Your feet stamp into the ground only thrice before the shell explodes through your chest. You look down, seeing only the sudden spray of crimson red out through the worn cloth you wore. In the split second while your feet still stand, you realize the “leave” was meant in a worldly sense.
Then, you fall to your face and kiss your own spilled blood.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 13 May 2016
The end (for now)