You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You sit under the tree
You sit under the tree.
Written by catprog on 21 May 2003
The ground collapses
All of a sudden the ground collapses and you fall.
You get knocked out. When you awake you find that you are in a land when there is every type of myth creature.
You then notice that you are transforming but to what?
Written by catprog on 30 July 2003
You realise you are becoming a myth creature of the land, but which one?
Written by catprog on 09 August 2003
Unicorn (HYBRID)
The changes begin.
When there finished you notice that you're half-unicorn and half-human. Meaning that your are a human-sized biped unicorn of approximately humanoid proportions.
While the fur has replaced your clothing your face seems to be the same. Well apart from the horn sticking out from your forehead. You also notice that your feet are now hooves but your hands haven't changed that much. You have only lost 2 fingers on each hand. You have also grown a tail.
Suddenly the changes stop.
Written by Bro on 14 October 2003
you look up and see another unicorn
You speak to the unicorn but instead of hearing your voice you hear a soft neighing. The unicorn speaks back saying...
Written by Katie on 20 December 2003
Language Barrier
The unicorn speaks a single word. It sounds half like a neigh but the sound pattern is somewhat different.
The other unicorn looks at you for a few seconds before it speaks another, different word. After a few cycles you realize the words all have different sounds and patterns. Sounds like your new friend (?) is going through a list of languages or something. Better pay attention so you...
Oops, almost missed it! You neigh softly.
"Speak?" the unicorn repeats. You nod, and he reaches behind his back to open a bag you just noticed hanging over his shoulder. He puts his left hand in and says "Engelsk."
There is a soft whoosh and a thump, and when the unicorn pulls his hand out he's holding a round gray rock in it. You somehow get a feeling the rock wasn't in the bag before he spoke...
He holds up the rock and looks at it.
For lack of better ideas you look at it too, and after a while you become aware of a soft humming that seems to come from the stone. It grows stronger and starts forming words.
"You... are... uni... corn..."
Well duh! you think, biting your tongue to keep back a snide comment in case the humming rock says something important next. It does, sort of.
"Fol... low... this... mare. She... will... show... you... magic... to... learn... our... speak."
Mare? She? You look curiously at the unicorn, who blushes slightly. Looks like a male to you, but what do you know? Maybe it's a recorded message and he got his hands on the wrong one. Yeah, that sounds like a theory. Thinking back you recall how he raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes at the sound of the two words.
You start smiling back at your would-be guide, but find that he has already bagged the talking rock and walked off without looking back, as if taking it for granted that you'll follow.
Learning the language sounds like a good idea but surely there must be other ways to do that? Of course not being able to speak your own mother tongue may make it a bit harder...
Written by Won-Tolla on 13 June 2007
Nothing Else to Do
You decide to follow the unicorn. You're in a strange place, in a strange body, with no explanations, and he and his talking rock are probably your best chance of finding out what's going on. The rock's offer of language lessons sounds good too.
Besides, they're the only things here besides trees. You might as well follow them.
You quickly jam a stick into the ground in the spot where you first appeared, just in case it's important, and hurry after the unicorn. He's stopped among the trees and is patiently waiting. His clothing - something like a gray-green tunic - blends in perfectly with the plants, though it's hard to see why when his white fur stands out so brightly.
The unicorn leads the way through the trees without a word. There's a faint trail through the underbrush - like a deer trail, but wider - and he follows it.
Written by Chrysalis on 23 October 2007
Missing Feet
You find walking unexpectedly hard after your change. Hooves are much harder to balance on than feet, and your legs have changed slightly too - they've become more like a horse's, the bones of your feet lengthening and becoming upright, so you feel like you're walking on your toes (or what used to be your toes, anyway). You're just not used to it. Your legs quickly start to ache. You have to stop every few minutes and rest. The unicorn you're following is patient with you (does he meet humans-turned-unicorn often?), but you get the impression he'd like to move faster. He seems agitated, looking around constantly every time you stop to catch your breath. You can't help but wonder what else lives in this forest. It seems oddly quiet.
Finally, he seems to come to a decision. As you stagger along, wincing with each step, he stops (to your great relief) and shoves you, gently but firmly, onto a fallen log by the trail. You've figured out how to sit by now, even with legs that don't bend the way you're used to.
The unicorn holds up one finger in a simple signal: wait. Besides that one "speak" when you met him, he hasn't said a word you can understand the whole time. He seemed to understand the stone's English, but English is meant for human mouths, after all. Perhaps that's the only word he's worked out how to pronounce. As you sit on the log, panting, he kneels on the ground and carefully places the palms of both his hands flat on the grass.
Nothing happens.
He sits there for a few seconds.
You're starting to wonder if he's either hurt or performing some sort of ritual when, with a muffled creaking sound, he starts to expand. Bones stretch like pistons, muscles bulge to fill expanding skin, joints crack and grind as some straighten and others bend, and his hands seem to melt and reform into a second set of hooves. In less than a minute, your silent humanoid unicorn guide has become an equally silent quadrupedal unicorn guide.
Stunned, you blurt out the beginning of a question, but stop when nothing comes out except a few rather strangled neighs. This is really getting frustrating. The sooner that rock teaches you how to speak again (or whatever it's planning), the better.
You calm down a bit and just look. After all, this is your first sight of a normal unicorn (if unicorns can ever be called normal). It - no, he - looks more or less like a horse, so white he almost glows, but more slender than most horses. There's something deerlike about him. His tunic-like clothing seems to have vanished during the transformation, but the bag is still looped over his shoulder (or whatever it's called on a unicorn), hanging down beneath his chest.
He stares at you for a moment, then tosses his head meaningfully. He seems to be motioning towards his back...
Written by Chrysalis on 24 October 2007