Now I'm in the Closet Too-hoo...
You slip open the door of Setsa's room and position yourself in the closet among her clothes and gear. From your hiding place you watch helplessly as she dreams, almost able to trace the exact pattern of the images. She gives a frightened cry, and amazingly her door swings open! It appears that student Nyuanda, a dark woman from Africa, has come to check up on her comrade and insure she's all right! Good fortune!
When her back is turned, you slide out of the closet and wrap a chloroformed handkerchief around the woman's face. After a brief struggle, she drops. More good fortune--now to deposit her in the wall hideaway for a good night's rest!
You pick Nyuanda up--only to stare into Setsa's open eyes!
"European, Asian, African, North and South American--that's how they're classified."
Written by Mr.Peaches on 19 October 2006