The Rafters
You quickly check to ensure that there's nobody else around; then you leap up to the high roof of the dojo. You land silently, just as you've been trained to. A smile spreads across your face as you nod; silently sweeping the tiled surface for Kim Soon-Pak.
Your eyes alight on her a few minutes later; and you quickly race over your plan again. You need to get higher than her somehow; which means that you'll need to jump like you've never jumped before in your life.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, stilling your mind as you look to your destination: a little past the roof and well out of Kim's sight. You channel as much of your energy as you can into your legs. Then, in a single; mighty bound, you take flight.
Your body rises by at least a dozen feet, and the roof seems to grow small below you. The shadow of Kim's darkly-clad body becomes the size of an ant, and you marvel at your strength. You meant for it to be a jump, and yet it's so; so much more than that!
Little do you realize that your legs weren't alone in this endeavor. When you concentrated on this mighty leap, your ki flowed a little too freely. Your shoulderblades lengthened from your body and grew a thick coat of downy feathers, giving you a pair of almost angelic wings.
Unbeknownst to you, these wings have spread themselves wide, letting you swoop past the unsuspecting ninja with ease. They instinctively pull back towards your body as you drop to the ground, though you land on all fours with a surprisingly light thump.
That's a good thing too, since Thomas is just a few meters ahead of you, eyeing the moon longingly.
You know the plan, but faced with him here, it's almost tempting to try and fight...
Written by SketchySeraph on 06 March 2016