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Foxy Friend emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As you load up the plate you are approached by another creature just like you. Except this one is male and has a few more tails. “Evening Miss, I was wondering if you were a vixen before you went on the path”


You shake your head “I was human at one point...”


He looks at you in surprise “I am sorry to hear that. Although you do make a cute kitsune. So what brought you onto the roof”


You start to explain about the vault and your dreams. He nods to you “The dreams are probably due to the full moon activating the statues.”


“And...I happened to be near them when they were activated?” You ask him, curious. It seemed to make sense. You stumbled upon the statutes , merely intending to weave through them, but the power of the moon activated the inner powers of the statues themselves while you were near, and you were drawn into it.


He shakes his head “Not quite, your dreams show that you were called here. Why else would you be on the roof at this time?”


“Well. I was going to try to get into the basement through the centre.”


“Through the roof?” he asks you bemused.


“Ok, Perhaps it may not of been the best plan. ”


“Of cause “ he says “It was the statues that were calling you onto the roof. So how do you like your body?”


Written by on 17 January 2016

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