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This time your shows are left behind as your feet change into paws. And once again the old path has disappeared leaving a new path in front of you.


You don’t even notice, as with each step, your feet slowly morph into paws--your sandals fading away into mist as your five-fingered toes mold together and grow soft black pads as they become fairly vulpine paws. Your gait changes a bit, but you fail to notice even this as you keep walking.


The next statue you walk past is much more of a change , you fall forward onto your hands , although by now they are more like paws. You can smell the forest just outside of the path, it seems like your mouth and nose have stretched out into a muzzle.
A long fluffy tail has sprouted from your backside.


You press forward, tail swishing, as new fur courses over your body. With each step you are becoming something else--a fox.


The path continues down , but what is there left to change, your mind? Would it be better to head off into the forest and retain your mind until you can find a way back or just get it over with and head down the path?


There is probably a lot of foxes in the forest. Perhaps even a male to start a family


Written by on 13 January 2016

Continue down the Path

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