Lotus Pond Dojo
(What makes a dojo? Most would say that a true "dojo" comes from the lands of the Orient, a place where, nestled between the stands of bamboo and fields of rice, students of this region sought in days of old to undertake an inward journey, a quest to find their potential through the martial arts.
In the days of old, the dojo was a place of strength, a community of fighters all learning every day, from the youngest white belt to the masters who taught them.
(But as the world grew older, the race of men grew more intelligent, building upon the teachings of their past and with the materials of their lands. Crude rafts made of sticks became barnacle-crusted vessels of wood and pitch and sail, and then powerful slicing ships of metal and smoke. The concept of a man taking to the air began as a dreamer's whimsy, became sketches of propellers and wings under the hands of a wise inventor, then turned into a rickety craft powered by the love of two brothers, finally taking flight as a biplane, and then huge commercial aircraft. With bits of plastic and wires, men became able to use the air to keep in contact with each other, and with their tools finally connected all the world together, for better or worse.
(In this age, nothing has to be stationary, or confined to one country. Connected, mankind can enjoy each others' culture, no matter where they may live. People are coming and going as regularly as the coming and going of the seasons... and, it turns out, some take their buildings with them.)
Colorado, the present, somewhere high in the Rocky Mountains. The Lotus Pond Dojo, a building the size of a Super Wal Mart. An equally large basement extends below, although no one has ever catalogued all the hidden passages...
(Tobuo Kakoemetsu is regarded by his students as the greatest teacher of ninjitsu to ever have lived, even though they usually can't name any others who hold that title.
Decades ago this old, humble master decided to leave his homelands and bring his gift to America... the gift of teaching ninjitsu. His reasons are yet unclear, although it's clear he loves to teach. His teaching manages to be both gentle yet unyielding, demanding utter obedience yet letting the spirit flourish. He is a master of his craft, and in training the most lethal assassins he instills in them the desire to preserve and protect life unless all else fails. A tall, old man, lithe and frail-looking, his eyes appear forever closed with age, but they crinkle kindly, and his gnarled hands never fail to offer whatever is needed, be it a spanking or a warm cup of saki.
(This man is your teacher. For reasons you've kept secret in your heart, you've sought his training when you were just a very young adult. For many years you have studied the arts of ninjitsu, and you don't regret a single day spent doing so.
Your belt has changed color many times, and we join you now a few days before you'll take your test to achieve the second highest rank at the dojo: the Red Belt, the Fledgling Ninja. In addition to your formal test, you must perform an act of ninjitsu.
Usually, students will go to the modern cities at the base of the mountains and perform acts of silent espionage, or a token theft from a heavily guarded safehouse (the goods are, of course, returned after you've shown them to Sensei Tobuo). You, however, have chosen a different tactic: you will sneak into the
Sensei's own storage room, nestled here within the school. Rumors among the students say your master keeps wondrous things in there: unbreakable swords that bond themselves to their masters, herbs that somehow allow a person to breathe underwater, and even nameless tools that true ninja masters used in the old days to perform nigh undetectable spy work. They say the things in there could let a man scale walls like a squirrel, slip through cracks like a snake, or even fly through castle windows. Even more the students don't know about could lie there as well. Your mission is to steal one of these tools and display it to your master the next morning.
You're not worried about his reaction; if you fail, he'll praise your initiative. If you succeed... well, you value your master's pride in you more than anything, and the vision of his proud smile fills you with hope. So, stretch your muscles and prepare, Orange Belt, and let us join you in your chambers as you prepare, on the night of your raid...)
Lotus Pond Dojo
Written by Mr.Peaches and the community of catprog.tfcentral.com
You finish tightening your black clothes down, making sure there's nothing that could get caught on anything. You're in your quarters--a small room lined with Japanese style. Your tatami mat is rolled up in the corner.
The light of a stand of candles you made yourself gives everything a warm yellow glow. Your heart is pounding; this is bold, what you're doing--very bold. Even though you tell yourself you won't get in real trouble if you're (probably) caught, you're anxious. I mean... this stuff is *bold.*
You shake your head and clear your mind of your fear, only to have the candle light catch your gaze. You're reminded of your recent dreams, off the subject of your raid but still important to you nonetheless. You were performing amazing ninjitsu feats in those dreams, but your body was... different, a little different every time you dreamt. The dreams always ended with a jet of fire streaming out of darkness and consuming you. As the dream repeated night after night, the fire went from feeling agonizing, then painful, then uncomfortable, then pleasant, then invigorating. A few of your closest friends have reported similar experiences. What does it mean? Does it mean anything? You've been meaning to discuss them with Sensei Tobuo, but you've been so focused on your studies that by the time you remember you wanted to talk with him, it's very late in the evening and he's retired to his chamber for sleep, although you half-suspect that he doesn't even need to sleep anymore. What a mysterious dream, though...
From the candlelight your eyes are drawn out the window to a tiny, tiny speck of brilliance on a hill far down the mountainside, on a totally different ridge. For days now, you and your fellow students have been secretly spying on a group of college-age people snowboarding in the mountains--six males and three females. You've gathered that one of them won some great sponsorship for something, and now they could afford to take their friends on the boarding trip of their lives. So that's what they were doing, and growing closer to the dojo by the day. Although you know they don't know it's there, vigilance is needed. The school is cunningly hidden against the boarders, although at the end of the day, people coming across the dojo aren't much of a big deal. If someone actually finds Lotus Pond,Tobuo usually treats the guest like a king and tries to recruit them to the school. More than one of your fellow students came that way.
But these players, the dream and the boarders, are distractions from your task at hand. Maybe Fate will bring them into your circle, and maybe not. You clear your mind and put out the candles. Standing in the cool night air just on the other side of your room's sliding paper door, you visualize your dojo. Both the upper and lower levels are the size of a Super Wal-Mart, filled with tight, twisting paths and rooms of all kinds.
The rooms are roughly arranged in a sort of bull's eye pattern: student rooms line the outside, a hallway runs between, another layer of rooms comes next, another hallway lies beyond those, etc. The stairs to the lower level lie in the center of the upper floor. You must make it to those stairs, down to the basement, and then search around for the room you've never seen.
Patrolling every hallway is one of your fellow students, training their senses to detect an intruder's approach. If you are seen, alarms will be raised and your task will fail. You can't, of course, use lethal force.
Most students will be trying to conceal themselves, as well. Every one that sees you will tell Tobuo that they did when you present the artifact from the Master's Room, lowering your "grade" and honor.
Thinking over the massive obstacles between you and your goal, you can't help feeling overwhelmed. But, on you will go.
[Now,] you think to yourself, [how to start...]
Written by Mr.Peaches on 18 July 2006
Hey, it's a cliche but if it works...
You grab your tool bag and climb out the window.
Your tool bag contains items such as a very thin but hard club (a present from your sensei after your third year), a bird call, your face mask and some clothed shoes to soften the sound of your footfall.
You climb up the building onto the roof to survey the area. You look around, and see no other people around the place, you also sense no-one around, but you have to cautious, or someone will see you.
You scale back down the building onto the ground, and silently run towards your goal. You see another person, but his back is towards you. You walk up behind him and give him a swift thump on the head with your club. He goes down like a ton of bricks, but more quietly. You cleverly hide the body in the bushes and continue in your quest.
You see the basement entrance, with someone guarding it. Do you take out the guard? Or do you distract him and sneak in when he has left his post?
Written by underdrag on 19 July 2006
My Pants... They are Aflame
In the lantern light like a silhouette stands a gangly figure emitting frosty puffs of breath. You gage him to be Moses Rehoboam, a disallusioned teacher/nature enthusiast that stumbled upon the dojo some five years ago, when you were just barely into your teens. Although he's quite the gentleman, he has a reknowned discomfort talking about women and women's "needs," something you decide to exploit.
Boldly, you give up stealth and approach Moses openly, jogging lightly to give the impression that you're in a hurry.
"Moses! Hey!" You call softly. He turns to you surprised.
"Oh, it's you. Hello there," he says, then grows more suspicious. "What are you doing outside this late at night?"
Going for broke, you grab the shoulders of his suit and lean him into you conspiritorily. "Don't spread this around," you say confidentially, "but me and my friend Setsa were hiding out in the Inner Gardens when, oh, how shall I put it..."
Moses starts to get an inkling of what's going on, and you feel his shoulders tense.
"...It's her 'time of the month.'" you finish.
Moses frowns behind his mask.
"That doesn't have anything to do with why you're here. Aren't there... erm... supplies upstairs?"
"Not enough," you reply, "It turns out Setsa's time hit right as we clean ran out of 'stuff' upstairs. We've got some downstairs, and--"
Throwing your voice, you place a feminine moan a fair distance away. Moses blanches.
"Oh, man!" you cry.
"She can't hold it much longer! I gotta get down to the basement, Moses!"
Moses practically breaks the sound barrier getting the door open. The basement is yours.
As you start down the steps, you turn to him one more time.
"Oh, and Moses," you say, "Setsa's kind of embarassed about all this fuss, so..."
"Nobody needs to know. Got it. Now... please go."
The door closes behind you and your extremes start un-numbing themselves. A long hallway lit with several fat candles lies before you. Your journey to the Master's chamber is half-way complete. But be careful; that little tampon trick won't work again.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 30 July 2006
Just Take a Look, It's in a Book...
The smell of cedar lightly burns your nostrils as you proceed, almost afraid to draw breath. The smoke from the candle whirls and whorls, and the flame causes you to remember your dream, if only for a second. No time for such distractions now! Luckily this lower level doesn't have the fake panels that the upper does, but it's going to be almost impossible to hear approaching students; even the lowest-ranking ninja can be tricky to hear...
Thankfully, you catch a reprieve when you reach the library. Stashing some of your more official ninja gear beneath your clothing, you pull out a book on the bo staff, which the other students know you've been trying to pick up lately. Until you can think of a better plan, you've got a water-tight alibi as to why you're up so late.
Unlike the top level, set with rooms in circular patterns, this bottom level has rows of rooms with aisles in between... long aisles perfect for fellow students to sight down. Add the large area of ground to cover and the fact that... no one really knows where the secret room is... and you've got yourself a little pickle for yourself. Of course, you are in the library... what better place to find a clue as to the hidden room's whereabouts?
Written by Mr.Peaches on 19 November 2006
The Records Room
The records room is a small partitioned-off corner of the library full of file cabinets. It isn't the Master's actual records. That is, the information in the "records" room isn't particularly useful. The records room is full of bureaucratic bric-a-brac. Despite the secrecy surrounding the dojo, Master Tobuo still had to have it built. Fortresses don't just construct themselves, you know. You dig through the files, knowing exactly what you're looking for.
The records room is by far the most boring part of the dojo, so it won't be heavily guarded. You shuffle around drawer after drawer of paperwork: building permits, timeclock receipts, elevation maps. Not what you're looking for. You do note, with some amusement, that the dojo was built in the guise of a luxury ski resort. Enlightening as it is, it's not what you're looking for...wait...you've found them! The floor plans.
Unfortunately, they don't yield any useful information. Whatever secret passages and hidden traps the Master built, he was careful to leave no record of them...but wait... near the center of the plan for the basement is a small, intricate symbol. It was definitely drawn in after the fact by hand. You squint to get a good look at it: a serpentine dragon wrapped in a spiral around a small circle. Quickly but silently, you take the floor plan over to the main library and find a book on ancient symbols. The dragon seems to be the most prominent feature, so you look in the "D" section of the book. There's plenty on dragons, but nothing that even comes close to what you're looking for. You try "circle." Still no luck. You decide that maybe the serpentine dragon is really a draconian serpent, so you decide to look up "serpent." On the way from "circle" to "serpent," you stop. There it is, buried at the bottom of the page, a tiny illustration and little more than a blurb, but you've found the symbol. The entry reads, "Heartstone Pendant symbol. Obscure cartographer's symbol from Qin dynasty China said to denote the location of the Heartstone Pendant, a mythical artifact said to bring invulnerability to the wearer. The pendant and associated symbol remained a footnote in Qin records. The pendant was forgotten entirely during the civil war following Shi Huandi's death, and the symbol devoled into a decorative mark with no significance."
It seems odd that someone would bother putting a decorative symbol with no significance on a set of floor plans nobody was expected to look at after construction was completed. So there's a chance that the symbol is used with its older meaning intact...maybe Master Tobuo has the Heartstone Pendant, and maybe it's at the location denoted in the plans! Of course, the thing might not really grant invulnerability, but hey, if it's from ancient China and merited inclusion in a set of floor plans it's got to be valuable and, thus, well-guarded...maybe TOO well-guarded. Maybe the symbol is a trap, and all you'll find at the location is a rival student. Maybe you should just explore the basement and see what else you can find. You're taking a risk either way, but...what will you do?
Written by Zodiac on 13 July 2007
Through the corridors
You work your way through the basement halls relatively uneventfully. You see nobody but, in a school full of ninjas, that doesn't mean that nobody's there. Still, you're careful to be just as unseen as your unseen adversaries as you seek out memorized location of the Heartstone Pendant. You're a little dismayed, in fact. If the pendant had been so valuable, it would have been guarded better than this, and if it was a useless trinket, why was it on the floorplans in the first place? Trying to put this out of your mind as you scope the hallway for hidden traps, you arrive at the location and find...nothing. At least, no pendant. You do, however, see that one of the floor tiles is missing. You slink over to investigate and see a hole. It's certainly large enough to fit down, which means that the pendant is under it. Is there some sort of sub-basement to the dojo? Maybe there's another maze you've never even heard about. Something troubles you, though: If the floor tile is missing, somebody must have gone down before you. Somebody else must be trying to steal the pendant too! Still, you didn't come this far to chicken out. Whoever's down there, you're confident you can take. You slip down into the hole and find yourself in a long, dark tunnel. It appears to be a natural cave...the dojo was built on top of a cavern system! This adds a whole new obstacle to your plan. Not only must you avoid traps and fellow ninjas in your quest, you must also navigate the winding tunnels of an underground cave. You find a torch on a wall rack, light it, and proceed. A short distance later, you find yourself at a dead-end. You look around for another exit, and find none. You do, however, find a carving on the wall to the left of you, along with a stone shelf containing three small bottles. The caring says,
"Your path is blocked by only stone, but surely there is more.
To meet the challenges ahead, choose one of these vials four.
If change you seek then change you'll meet here deep within the ground,
For here the darkest treasures of The Dojo can be found.
But if you wish to keep the form you had when you came in,
You'll have to cut your journey short before it can begin."
You look at the three bottles. One contains a dark brown liquid, labeled, "Earth." [A jar of dirt,] you think. [How appetizing.] The next bottle is labeled "Water" and contains, unsurprisingly, water. The third is labeled "Wind." Inside is a sky-blue liquid wiih swirling gray and white cloud-like blobs. [Of course,] you think, [the classical elements. I guess some poor sap already drank fire.] A quick glance around indicates that whoever the poor sap was, drinking fire didn't kill him, at least not right away. That means that he's beyond the stone door somewhere, and if you want to join him, you'll have to pick a vial.
Written by Zodiac on 13 July 2007
Feeling adventurous, you drink the vial of "wind." It tastes like nothing in particular, and goes down quite easily. You stand around for a moment, expecting something to happen. Something obliges, and starts to happen. You feel lightheaded, and then everything starts to feel light. You look down and find that you're floating a good couple inches above the floor. You hear a whooshing, wind-like sound. It seems to be coming from inside of you. Odd...
With a sickening lurch, you fly foreward against your will. Your head spins, your eyes swim, and your organs seem to have learned how to polka. As your mind and vision slowly clear, you take stock of your surroundings. The stone door is behind you. Having not heard or seen it open, you can only assume that you flew through it. The impossibility of a corporeal person flying through a door is quickly rendered moot--you're no longer corporeal. You've transformed into what could most accurately be described as a ghost. Of course you're not dead that you know of, but you've become a translucent, non-corporeal wind spirit. Your clothing changed with you, thankfully, because you're not alone: Standing on the far side of the room the "poor sap" who drank fire. Now you see why he did--the entire room is illuminated by light emanating from your companion's body. He turns around and, for the first time, you see your rival's face.
It's Thomas, a student about your age. Doubtless, he's going after the Heartstone pendant too, but...what's he going to do with you. And, perhaps more importantly, what are you going to do with HIM? You'd better decide fast, because he's rushing at you!
Written by Zodiac on 18 July 2007
Ninja Vanish
Thomas rushes you at a furious space. You try to figh him but your hand goes through him.
You turn around and hear a sickening thud. He's unconscious!
Carefully you float yourself towards his form. As you get closer, you notice red and gold jewellery attached to his skin. You are intrigued when you look and see the scales closer, along with claws. You reach out to move his clothing and feel the heat from his shallow breathing. It's then you notice the blood from his head.
You reach down and touch his head. Almost instantly he returns to normal! The scales pull back into his body and the light in the room dims noticeably. The fatal wound closes up until no proof remains that it was even there.
You smile in relief and back up a few steps from him. You feel a little drained from the experience, but are otherwise unharmed. You still can't see your body, you just know you are still there.
Thomas starts to wake up and looks at you. His words are, "What happened?"
"You charged me! You do not remember?"
"No, it is weird." He looks at you and offers, "I drank the fire potion and my body changed. Then I closed my eyes and woke up in here." He holds up a key and smiles, "But I found this." Incredibly, he holds it out to you.
"Let's help each other. You are after the Heartstone Pendant and so am I. Besides, a cute girl with your talents and a guy like me, what could stop us?"
Written by minerva on 26 January 2008