Your fear takes over, the claw hand, paw is too much. You duck away from it. In rapid succession. You knock over Guilmon, run pass him, find yourself though the house and out the door. Once outside its like your instincts as a Renamon have taken over you. You don't care you accept it. Using it force to propel you on wards, father and father; you go until you reach a town full of other digimon. You barely notice as they stop and try to help you, you just plow on. You reach a woods when you stop. You hearts pounding. You can see your breathe as white puffs in the cool morning air.
You don't care about that! You don't care about anything! Your blood boils, your heart rages! You drop to your knees and though back your head in an agonizing scream. You can feel both side like different pieces on a chest board, but your body is that chest board. Your human male nature battles against the suit of the female Renamon. Each sides wins pieces, you drop down on the ground fully. Pain feels like a bolt of lightning ripping though your insides.
It's all about the king piece, who will win, who will take control. You want yours friends, your mom and father; your school and home. It wants you here, trapped in the digital world lost to the instincts of a wild Renamon. Who will win? The deciding factor is your simple mistake, you accepted the instincts earlier. Needed them and they wouldn't be cast aside. As the pain dissipates, your head raises but not as the once human male trapped inside the Renamon suit. It is as a female Renamon ready to claim her woods.
Written by psto1464 on 25 June 2017
The end (for now)