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Sit, listen emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You endlessly questioned her, and for once you had gotten an explanation. As you had noticed, the people above seemed to treat taurs a bit differently than others. Their superior strength and physiological build, you were absolutely disgusted. In your own castle taurs and anthros worked together to serve you, rather than just one over the other. You almost laughed at the irony, thinking to yourself how much of a sheltered and lavish live you’ve lived in.
After a few hours of talking, it was revealed to you that this taur was actually your real mother.
“Thats right, the ‘queen’ or your stepmom as you may know her was actually a type of usurper, she started with me, then she most likely would have taken out the king and you… your sibling. Anyone with any title to the throne, and when she sold me to this kingdom, was when she had begun her first step to taking over the castle.” You were in shock, but you knew there was something off about your step mother. “I’m glad to see you here, but that must have meant… you may not have been making the best possible decisions, have you?” you shook your head slowly.
“They drugged me when they put me down here, so I don’t know where I am or anything.”
“Nobody does… At least we have each other though.” you didn’t seem to like those odds, but as your true mother embraced you, a wave of satisfaction washed over you. Something within you repeated ‘at least we have each other’ and you couldn’t help but wonder if that sentiment was true.
Though you were stuck in a vast cave, working your fingers to the bone almost constantly, you began to form a kind of family with the other taurs buried beneath the castle keep. Despite being stuck in a pretty bad position, the fact that you had discovered what had happened to your true mother seemed to satisfy you the most. And day after day, as you became stronger from the work, alliances were made, several times you all considered ways to escape, but most of them failed.
Your spirit was never broken, and as time went on, you all continued searching for a path to freedom.

Written by Driftingdragon on 07 August 2020

The end (for now)

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