Error Correction
Something must be wrong. You realize you are not a dog or an arctic fox, merely changed. Why are you thinking like a dog? And it is too hot.
"Error" a voice states loudly. You get up to your feet, looking around. "Human proportion too small, mind limited. Calculating correction."
You look around, trying to find the source of the voice, but your sensitive ears have you believe it is coming from multiple directions.
"Do you understand your situation?" the voice asks. You hesitate, then slowly shake your head no.
"But you do understand my speech?" You nod your head yes.
"Can you speak?"
"Rowr rown rin ror..." You make an attempt but nothing intelligible comes out.
"Adjusting parameters. Adding positive humanity proportions. Adjusting."
You realize you are growing in size. Your forelegs shorten and hind legs grow to become plantigrade. Your neck changes as your front paws become more handlike. Your fur and overall shape remains, but you are soon able to stand on your two feet. Your clothing reappears, but adapted for your tail.
The lighting adjusts and you see a door before you with a full length mirror on it. You look at a plump, white, anthropomorphic arctic fox, which looks back at you. As you glance at your hand paws, your reflection does the same. The black claws and the end of your white furred fingers are short but strong, and you feel the claws on your toes in your boots. (Those socks aren't going to last long, you think to yourself.)
You turn to look at your tail. It seems longer than it should be in proportion to your body, and nearly as thick as you are. You raise it up straight and it nearly comes up to the top of your head. The weight of it pulls you back a bit, and you lean forward to compensate.
"Human proportions meet established parameters. Overall proportions sufficient for age equivalence. Appendage proportions... tail size excessive. Allowance granted, balance for error returned in other areas. Recalibration required for next subject. Move forward through door, please."
"Thank you" you say quietly. As you approach the door and reach for the door knob you are surprised that it is nearly shoulder height.
"Wait a minute!" your voice sounds higher, younger than before, like that of a child. As you turn back, your hand turns the knob and the door opens. The light in the room goes out. You are sucked out the door by a tremendous wind.
Written by Nom on 03 March 2016