Reality Hopping
In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:
No more then
- 1 a Day
- 6 a Week
- 20 every 4 weeks
- 50 every 12 weeks
- 180 every 48 weeks
These measurements are based on your home reality.
Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.
When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.
If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:
Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2
If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes
Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004
Life as a Hero (almost)
You find yourself in a pub. No particular description at all but it has all the features of a standard pub. Dancing girls, old angry Scottish bartender and a shadowy figure in the corner. Yep and here you are just standing there in street clothes. Or at least thats what you thought you were in. You look down and your cloaked. You have on a brown cloak with one button securing it close. Where do you go from here?
Written by Razortail on 20 September 2005
Sigh...Times Are Tough
The smell of bread, beer and pipeweed smoke is quite prevalent. You figure, the best way to start any adventure is to take in some local scuttlebutt. You have a seat at the bar. The bartender comes over.
"Och, will doan't be breudn an' selkin, ye ferry," he bellows over the roar of catcalling and the hiss of secret conversations, "Whet'll ye have?"
Oh, yes... you're teetotal, and you don't think they're going to be serving juice at this pub. Plus, you have no money. Hmm...
"I'll have an order of rumors with a small side of secrets,"you reply. Nice.
The barkeep rolls his eyes and moves on, barking to a fellow bar-sitter "Lass, git on oavrr an' talk THA' lad's ear off for awhoile... sounds like 'e WANTS et."
Soon an impossibly gorgeous, Spanish-sun burnt, Raven's wing haired woman is leaning over on the seat next to you.
"Looking for a bit of local lore, are you?"
You nod.
"Well," she begins, leaning in confidentially, "they say that the tomb up the hill's really an entrance into a real dungeon, which houses an unimaginably powerful sword."
This is good. She goes on.
"Also, a group of adventurers is looking to suit up and head to the new province of Kerrokov, by way of Baldur's Gate. There's no telling what's up there, but the raw materials and unharvested natural wealth alone could make a prince out of any pauper, they say."
Nice, nice.
She continues.
"Finally, they say a group of werebeasts has come over the Orilvindian pass just north of town. It's feared that they may start to cause trouble as soon as tonight."
Whoa, that's bad. You... have no weapons. Or do you? you search your cloak and simple clothes underneath.
Nope. This guy must've been just starting out. Huh. Werebeasts. You'd best keep an eye out...
And then it becomes staggeringly obvious that this woman IS one of the werebeasts.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 28 February 2006
The Gaining of Experience
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And then it becomes staggeringly obvious that the barkeep is ALSO one of the werebeasts.
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You are startled by this fact and by reflex hit the barkeep square in the jaw. You are surprised by your strength, for you never were able to hit a person and have them fly over 2 tables before.
Unfortunately, you angered the barkeep enough to start a fight.
As you dodge all of his blows at you, you see him slowly change into his beast form.
He is becoming really angry at you, and now he is trying everything in his power to kill you.
Increasing you speed to it's max, you spot a weapon just lying around in the opposite corner of the room, unfortunately, the barkeep is forcing you into a different corner.
Relying sheerly on luck, you jump over his head, land in the middle of the room and run over to the weapon. It's a B-Sword, a weapon that can only be wielded with two hands, or a really strong person.
You grab the sword and turn just in time to be able to fight the beast head on. Right before he comes at you, you cry, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were a were-beast, and the fact startled me."
You shouting to him only seemed to make him angrier, for he immediately comes at you. Right before he even come within 10 feet of you, an energy blast hits him in the back, knocking him unconsious.
Written by Umassday on 24 April 2006
Elven Help
You turn to face the one who seemed to help you. You look and see an elf, you can tell by the fairness of her skin, the length of her hair, and the look of wisdom in her eyes. But it was mainly from the points in her ears.
As you gawk at her, she comes over to you. When she comes within 2 feet of you, she looks you right in your eyes, and then punches you in the face, knocking you out cold.
You wake up. At first you start to wonder where you are, but then you feel a pain in your jaw and face. You feel it and more pain comes from the touch.
Clearly that elf busted you jaw, and you nose as far as you can tell.
You survey the room that you woke up in, finding bars for one wall, and bricks for the remaining three. It appears that you woke up in a jail cell. You recount what actions you did to put you in this cell, and then remember that the fight that you clearly started is the reason you are here.
You here a noise, and immediately get into a defensive stance for hand-to-hand combat.
What now?
Written by Umassday on 25 April 2006
Freedom, for a price
The noise that you are hearing is coming from outside the cell. You hide in a dark corner of the room, using your known skills to blend in with the shadows.
When you hear the noise at the front of the cell door, you can see that it's a human. This person is in a light gold armor, black metal shoes (which accounts for the sound), brown leather pants, steel gauntlets, and a mithral full-helm.
He opens the door, after unlocking it, comes inside, and closes it. He looks around the cell.
"Hey, Paul, this isn't the right cell. I'm looking for the one who fought the were-beast in the tavern. Where is he?"
"He should be in that cell. Why, he not there?" Said Paul, from outside.
Right when the one in the cell with you is about to call, you step out of the shadows. When you do that, you surprise him.
Written by Umassday on 30 April 2006
Pick Thine Poison
Paul's buddy steps back in surprise. He scowls.
"All right, prisoner, back against the wall."
You do so. You hear the clank of the guard's boots as he repositions himself.
"Find him?" Paul queries.
"Yep," is his reply. "Right, prisoner, for starting that bar brawl you've been sentenced to jail. However, because two of the main people you socked were filthy werebeasts, I'm giving you three alternate forms of repayment to society.
One: The local Mages Guild will send you out to a Kerrokovian province in need of protection during its mining and transportation endeavors. Protect the camp well for one full week and you'll have the opportunity to continue your service with pay, or leave.
Two: The Rogue's Tomb near the bar where you started the fight is rumored to have an extremely valuable blade. If you choose this task, you will retrieve it and deliver it to us to deliver to the Empress. The tomb is absolutely bursting out its arse with traps; like so many places these days, no one's come out alive.
Oh, and in case you're wondering; you can't use the blade to escape our imprisonment.
Three: Since you seem to have a desire to beat up werecreatures, you'll be sent over the Orilvindian pass with a potion inside you that will make you a werebeast of your choice for fourteen days. Before the potion wears off, you will assassinate the werebeast leader, Fang Dro'Velloch, and return here with proof. Do this, and you'll be rewarded with more than freedom."
"So, them's the conditions, prisoner.
How about it?"
Written by Mr.Peaches on 20 June 2006
Is this a dagger I see before me?
Now this is interesting. You have always wondered what it's like to be a werebeast, and now these people are offering you a chance to try it out, and probably a weapon and other equipment as well. As a punishment? Right. Throw me in the briar patch, Brother Fox!
"I'll try the last one," you say, trying not to sound too enthusiastic about it. The guard just nods, then walks you into another room where he sits you down at a table and hands you a beaker with a dark liquid in in.
"Drink this."
"Now. It won't work until activated."
You take the beaker and sip the lukewarm potion. It tastes like flat Mountain Dew with a drop of cat pee in it. Not that you ever tried drinking cat pee, but you have a vivid imagination. Maybe too vivid.
You take a deep breath and hold it while gulping down the rest of the vile liquid. The guard is right about one thing - apart from a slight gag reflex you don't feel any different.
The guard puts a card on the table in front of you. "These are the activation words. Picture the beast of your choice clearly in your mind and speak these words together to activate the spell."
You look at the card, blink, rub your eyes and look again. "You gotta be kidding me!"
"Look at me. Am I smiling?"
You shrug. The words probably don't have the same connotation on this world. Put it down to coincidence.
"The words only work when spoken together," the guard repeats. "Use them in three different sentences to check the pronounciation."
"Okay, so the first word is Bibbity."
"And the second is Bobbity."
"Spoken like a native!"
"Finally there's Boo!"
"You're not scaring me."
You look up and see a wide grin. "Now I'm kidding!"
Terrific. Now you've got the fairies' song from Sleeping Beauty running through your head. As you do your best not to start singing out loud, the guard removes the card and hands you a sheathed dagger. You pull it out carefully and look at it.
"Look normal?" You nod. "It isn't. It's tarnished silver made to look like iron. Very expensive. Whatever you do, don't touch the blade after you become a werebeast."
While you're busy putting the dagger back and attaching the sheath to your belt, you suddenly hear footsteps behind you, and feel something around your neck. As you become aware of the other guard standing behind you, the thing snaps together and seems to shrink until it fits snugly against your skin. You put up a hand to touch it, but can't feel anything.
"Geas collar," the guard explains. "It's invisible, intangible, and you can't tell anyone about it. Removing it is beyond your meagre skills, so the only way to get it off is to come back here."
"What, I can't even say that I..." Before you reach the middle of the sentence you have forgotten how you wanted to end it.
The guard nods again and unrolls a map on the table. It is pretty light on terrain details, but there is a mountain range running east-west, a town near a river to the south, a couple of villages in the north and a road coming up from the south through the town, crossing what seems to be a mountain pass and splitting up to connect with the villages. A blank area to the northwest has been filled in with the words HERE BE DRAGONS.
You put your finger on the blank area and look up to see if the guard is smiling. He is not. Grrreeeat...
You suddenly become aware of a thin red glowing line that encircles most of the northern area with a thin tail following the road through the mountains and ending in a small circle around the town.
"That is the collar's safe zone, "the guard explains. "Only we and you can see the line. Step outside that and the collar will tighten and choke you to death. In a forthnight the zone will start shrinking from the north." As he speaks, the big encircled area starts shrinking like a leaky balloon until only the tail is left, then it disappears like a burning fuse until only a circle around the town is left. You resist the urge to shout "BOOM!" as the lines return to how they were originally.
"So I guess we're here," you say, indicating the southern town. "that's the Whatchamacallit Pass, and beyond that is werebeast territory."
"Correct. Your target should be somewhere in the area, probably in one of the villages."
That doesn't sound to bad really. Starting tomorrow you can just jump realities and leave the problems for whoever takes your place...
"By the way, " the other guard chimes in, "when we say 'step outside' it means 'leave by any means'. You can't even teleport locally as that implies passing through the spirit plane." You decide not to ask about jumping realities...
Written by Won-Tolla on 22 September 2007
The end (for now)