Reality Hopping
In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:
No more then
- 1 a Day
- 6 a Week
- 20 every 4 weeks
- 50 every 12 weeks
- 180 every 48 weeks
These measurements are based on your home reality.
Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.
When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.
If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:
Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2
If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes
Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004
Video games
You decide to travel to a video game. But which one will you choose?
Written by catprog on 20 April 2006
Mars is an interesting place
You choose Doom, your favourite childhood game.
The next thing you know, your sitting in a debriefing room. Theres some guy at the front, talking about an accident on the Mars moon base, Phobos Labs. There has been no communication from either moon base for over an hour now. "Since you're the only security force for 50 million miles, you get to find out whats wrong" says the man, who is obviously is a marine adviser, who gives out assignments (marine talk for job, be it mundane or violent). You look around and see many other marines around you.
This was not part of the game, as far as you can remember. "Alpha Team!" Half of the marines stand up with a loud "Yes Sir!" and salute. You appear to have stood up as well, without realizing it. You seem to have all the abilities of a marine, and memories it seem as well.
The man continues: "You are to check out Phobos Labs. And Beta Team, you are to check out the other moon base. Are your orders understood? Okay, report to locker rooms and get prepped for a shuttle flight. Dismissed!"
At this, everyone hurries out of the room, including you. You have no idea what to do, so you use your marine memory. It tells you that your locker is down the corridor to the left. You follow it and find the locker room. Your memory also tells you that you need to scan your thumbprint to open your locker.
After the scan you open your locker to reveal the cool green armour, the helmet, boots, gloves and a 10mm Pistol. You put the armour on, the helmet, the boots and the gloves without a problem. But you don't have a gun belt to put your weapons.
You yell out to your fellow marines "Okay, who has my gun belt?"
"Sorry, D. I thought it was someone elses."
He comes over and hands you the belt.
"Marines, report to hanger bay immediately!" says the overhead speakers. Everyone runs out the door. You are running too, until you catch your reflection.
You are handsome, tall, have black hair, white teeth, the works.
You also have huge mucles that are nearly popping out of your armour.
You tear yourself away from the mirror and catch up with the rest of the marines. You are surprised to see that you are faster than most marines and
catch up without a problem. As you pass some of the slower marines, some mutter "Show off".
You get to the hanger and get on the one that Alpha Team is using. You get on and find a seat. When everyone is onboard, the hatch closes and the transport starts to take off. Your Squad commander says "Okay men, this is it. Your first action out here. Lets have some fun and .... don't forget to shower."
This seems funny to the commander( we'll just call him Bob), but no-one else seems to get it.
Most of the trip is in silence, apart from the rattling of the hull, and the sounds of the engine.
Soon, the transport touches down and Bob says "Okay, gear up and get in there!" Everyone runs for the gunrack with the shotguns on it. Your belt buckle was stuck. By the time you get it undone, all the shotguns are gone. Bob says "You missed out, looks like your on sentry duty.
Next time be more prompt marine." and exits the transport.
So, this is great, the first bit of action here, and you're on sentry duty! You are angry at Bob for a few seconds, then you realise, that this must be the reason you stay alive, and are not masacred by the demons. You thank, and feel sorry for Bob, because you know he will be killed.
A few minutes later you start to hear screams over the communicator and yelling. You don't understand all of it, but you think it goes sort of like this: "Oh my god! What the hell! Help ME! Get this thing off of me! Get it off me!"
The screams are fewer in number now, and not as frequent. Then nothing comes across the radio. You try to contact your friends but there is no answer.
Then suddenly there is a voice over the radio. "I'm the only one left, if there is anyone else left (heavy breathing, a thud) get the hell outta here. Nuke the whole place, get out while you still can. What was that?! Oh god there back again! No please, please get back! NO! (Gunshots fired, screams, moans) ARGHHH!" Then just static.
You decide to...
Written by underdrag on 01 May 2006
Run Away!
<This can't really hurt me can it? I mean, it's just a game.> You decide to prove this to yourself by pricking your finger with your knife.
"Ow!" you scream. "Okay then, I guess that it's real. O my god! It's real!" You begin to panic that you might get hurt. Playing the game is one thing, living it is another.
You decide to "get out while you still can". You go to the transport which brought you here and open the hatch.
The hatch opens and you enter. You go to the flight controls and fire up the engine. Then, all of a sudden...
Written by underdrag on 04 May 2006
Look out!
While you were busy, an imp snuck aboard the ship, undetected. You are trying to figure out the controls to fly the damn ship (your marine knowledge obviously didn't include how to fly a transport ship).
The imp comes up from behind. The imp sees you bend down to pick up something you dropped and then...
Written by underdrag on 04 May 2006
Bang, Bang, you're dead.
You hear the imp sneak up behind you and quickly pull your pistol out and shoot at it.
Three bullets hit it and it falls over, on the ground. You are unsure if it is dead or not, but you aren't going to take any chances. You slowly walk over to it and then it jumps up and tries to attack you.
Only by using your marine's reflexes did you avoid being sliced open by the imp's claws. You just dodge its claws and accidentally drop your gun. You see another on the floor on the other side of the transport and you dive towards it.
Do you make it?
Written by underdrag on 15 May 2006
Ouch! Hey, no scratching!
You leap for the gun over the other side of the transport, past the imp, who slashes your stomach area, opening a nasty wound and causing pain.
You make it just as the imp is about to throw a fire ball at you. You grab the gun, spin around and shoot the demon.
You shoot it just as it throws the fire ball and it dies. You dodge the fire ball with ease, but you now wish that you hadn't.
The fire ball went right through the hull of the transport. It can't be flown into space now, it will need to be repaired, and you cant find any tools to repair it with, so now you only have one choice. Go in and find some tools to repair the transport.
Written by underdrag on 15 May 2006
No choice...
You have no choice but to follow the game and hope you survive. You go to the airlock and pull your pistol out. You pull the clip out to check it. All the bullets are there, no faults in the gun, all seems to be in order.
Then, before continuing, you think ahead. <What will happen if run out of ammo, and there is none in the base? I can't go around punching the snot out of all the demons, they'll most likely rip me limb from limb before I take out one of them!>
So, with this foresight in mind, you return to the transport to look for ammo.
You look for a couple of minutes and result in: 4 pistol clip (added to your original 6 you now have 10, with 12 in each), 12 shotgun shells, an axe (why UAC marines have axes on a dead planet is beyond your understanding) and some light armor.
After filling your belt with the extra ammo, and then putting on the armor, you feel more secure. Shaky, maybe, but you feel more safe knowing that you have at least some protection from the brutal attacks of the monsters on the inside of the base.
"Okay, open the door, run in, get the tools, run out. Shouldn't take any longer than 10 minutes." You say, trying to convince yourself.
But something tells you that something will go wrong...
<Don't think like that> you tell yourself.
You walk over to the door...
Written by underdrag on 28 September 2006
The end (for now)