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A new costume? emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The next few days she would remain locked in Sid’s house, forced to suffer the preparations of the coming wedding. A brighter, more proper dress was fitted on her for the occasion. Bridesmaids selected for her came one day and tried trimming the great excess of hair she had, but found not even the sharpest of shears able to cut through those locks. Worst of all were Sid’s promises to make her a happy wife. “Just like you’ll make me a happy husband with all the pretty babies yer gonna make me,” he would say with that hole-ridden grin of his that would make Jasmine want to puke.


Jasmine went to sleep each night wishing she wasn’t so stupid, regretting not listening to her sister, and for not accepting her new life as a selkie better. Valerie’s statement about the dangers of mingling rang in her head on repeat. There was nothing Jasmine would’ve done just to dive back into the open ocean, to make her way back to the colony where she belonged, where her friends and family must have worried sick about her. Those few nights of captivity she would cry herself to sleep, thinking that she would never see Maria’s face again.


It was the morning of the wedding when Jasmine woke up to see a package waiting for her on the window sill next to her bed. She rocketed upright at the sight of it and almost knocked it out into the street when she grabbed it. Even more shocking was the letter attached to it. So the son of a bitch remembered me after all. She tore the envelope opened and read through some very familiar handwriting.


Dear Jasmine,


My sincerest apologies for my absence these past few weeks. You see, you’re not the only soul I have wandering the mulitiverse. Since your arrival in the sphinx world, I thought you’d found your perfect home, a place where you could fly and truly be free. That was until I saw the state of ennui you’d assumed. I tried something new with the Pokemon universe but came back to find you fearful and paranoid. I thought perhaps a life at sea with your family would be better, but now I see how terribly wrong I was. You’ve gone and gotten yourself locked in some godawful contract which I forgot existed with the selkies. Please do not blame yourself, for I did not assume you’d interact with the humans. You were just being curious Please forgive me and take this new outfit as recompense. . I promise it will be free of any humans.





Written by TheGreatJaceyGee on 23 October 2024

The end (for now)

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