Reality Hopping
In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:
No more then
- 1 a Day
- 6 a Week
- 20 every 4 weeks
- 50 every 12 weeks
- 180 every 48 weeks
These measurements are based on your home reality.
Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.
When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.
If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:
Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2
If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes
Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004
Alterntive Scenarios from Other Stories
This is for characters from the other stories in other scenarios.
Written by catprog on 21 February 2016
Costumeverse People
People in the costumeverse
Written by Catprog on 14 October 2017
Paul in the costumverse
Paul groaned as he heard the squabble erupt somewhere in the store, angry voices echoing over aisles nearly devoid of customers. They nearly drowned out the rising voice of the sales associate who was trying to calm, he thought it could be Carla. Her voice, though loud, was not angry. Rather it sounded increasingly nervous. Paul sighed, she was frightened, that much was obvious. He needed to get her out of that situation.
He hurried along the front, searching for the source of the disturbance. He found them all near the center of the store, by the comforters and pillows. Mousy little Carla cowered slightly from the towering wrath of an elderly couple that stood with a single pillow in their hand that they were pointing at. They were haranguing her about—Paul squinted to get a better look—a stain? He felt his anger rise. They were abusing his people over a stain?
He knew now that they had to be shameless bargain hunters determined to beat the store into submission and achieve a better deal, or worse they were con artists and the pillow was simply an opening gambit to some lawsuit or other.
“What seems to be the trouble here?” he asked, steeping fully around the corner now and walking forward briskly. He kept his features composed, trying to appear professional as possible.
“Oh, Paul!” squealed Carla, viewing him with relief. She seemed to slump slightly, overcome with happiness at seeing him approach, but perhaps feeling a tinge, as if she’d failed him somehow. Paul would deal with that last later, for she hadn’t failed in his view.
The couple, Paul noted, looked nearly as eager for him as Carla, though it was obvious they thought it well-hidden beneath a mask of righteous indignation. So, not only con artists, but inept ones as well. What a Saturday, Paul thought to himself. He forced himself to listen as Carla explained.
“Mister and missus McDool here would like this pillow at an extra five dollars off for a small stain, but it’s already marked down twenty percent for the clearance sale and…”
“That’s right.” Broke in the old woman. “This here stain will be an eyesore ‘less ‘n I manage
somehow to git it out. Prolly cost more than a new piller to do so too. I’m doin’ y’all a faver
heyr, sim’ly out of the goodness of me ‘eart.”
Paull throttled a desire to mock the woman. The accent was ridiculous, he had no doubt she was probably well educated. Yet all she could do with her life is try to rob stores. Sad. Yet, would he care to fight them just over a lousy pillow? It was twelve dollars now, but five extra would take it down to a mere seven dollars.
First thing is first, he decided. He needed to get Carla out of the line of fire. “I can see that this might take a few minutes to sort out.” He kept any trace of inflection from his voice. “Carla, why don’t you help a lady down Aisle 7 while I take this one?”
“Thanks Paul. I will.” Carla breathed and scurried off.
Happy to see her go away and even happier to see the couple exchange nervous glances, Paul decided to take his time with them. If they thought he was stalling until the police got there, they’d be much more likely to simply leave.
“Now then.” He smiled at them. “Why don’t we go to my office and discuss this? It will be much more comfortable, I assure you.”
He felt rewarded to see beads of sweat pop out on the man’s brow. His accomplice was made of sterner stuff however.
“We don’t need ‘ta see yer office. We don’ need ‘ta go from this spot. All we wants is you folk ta see sense.”
“Very well.” Paul replied. “As my colleague already explained,” Paul spoke unperturbedly, “this pillow is part of a sale already. We cannot lower the price further.”
“But the stain—“ she growled.
“Comes with the pillow ma’am. If you aren’t sure about it, why don’t you think about these here?” Paul gestured to the bin bulging with pillows. “They have fewer stains on them. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with any of them. Or, if you’d prefer, I believe Big Al’s Clearance House is also having a sale on pillows.”
“But they’re nearly to the big city!” the woman snapped, quite forgetting her horrible accent.
“Still, if we cannot meet your needs…” Paul began.
“Look, you yellow-bellied pirate! I’m going to complain to the owner! To the FTC! I”ll get your license revoked, you low-down mother—“ she continued to rant for some time, showing surprising ingenuity in it.
Paul, feeling tired of having his ears pierced and not wanting any more of his customers to leave, relented to get rid of them.
They left with their stained pillow and smug smiles while Paul watched them go.
As he watched, Joe came up and stood next to him. He had a blotch of dirt over one green eye and his black suit showed a hint of dirt or something on it. That seemed odd, but he spoke before Paul could.
“Well, that’s that for them, I suppose.” Joe remarked.
“Good riddance.” Paul replied absently. He pondered the meaning of the dirt, for some reason it seemed important. “You can’t argue with all the fools in the world, and if we tried to report it we would have seemed the bad guys. It hurts, especially considering that we are only one small store in a tiny town, but we can survive without a couple of dollars. We wouldn’t survive bad publicity at all though.”
“Hmm.” Joe rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Well, they won’t be coming back anytime soon.” He smiled mischievously.
“What did you do?” Paul groaned, seeing visions of lawsuits suddenly piling up in front of them.
“I thinned the gas mixture in their old jalopy.” Joe’s smile was a fully-fledged grin now. “I guess they’ll make perhaps five miles before their engine craps out.”
Paul sighed. “You know they’ll come right back to complain. We’ll have to bloody replace the fuel and the car.”
“They’ll never know.” Joe told him. “I meant to tell you a friend of mine called from the General Store. They were in there as well, and made off with several things there under the man’s coat while the woman threw a hissy fit about the state of the bathrooms. It’ll serve them right, and chances are they’ll be picked up by the police anyway. John’s going to press charges for thieving.”
Now in a much better mood, Paul returned to the office and finished going through his reports. Night was falling when he put his pen away and stretched, working the kinks out of his lower back. It was past time to go home, and he thought fondly of his dinner tonight. He’d gotten a large chicken from the store the other day, and now it sat in his fridge, ready to cook.
The phone rang, jarring him from his daydream. He hesitated, looking down at the key in his hand. The second ring decided him. He picked up the receiver.
“Paul! So glad I caught you.” It was Old Tom, the owner.
“Good to hear from you sir.” Paul said politely.
“Listen, I’ve managed to wrangle an invitation to a costume party being thrown by the business leaders in Rollsdale.”
Paul arched an eyebrow. That was bigtime!
“And it’s tomorrow night at eight. I need you to come with me so we can make a good impression. You’re the man on the ground, the manager. I need you there Paul.”
Paul protested, he didn’t realize he had so little time! “Sir, I won’t have time to tell people, find someone to manage the store, to get a costume!”
“Work it out.” Tom said cheerfully. “You’re wily, I know you can lick this! Take tomorrow off. The party won’t be until the evening, about six I’ve been told, and its two hours to get there. Plenty of time to find a costume. Got to run Paul, last minute details to work out with the missus!”
The line went dead. Paul stared at it a moment and replaced it with a sigh. Tom was a nice old man, but so absent-minded as to make him scream! He’d have to check with someone in Rollsdale to find out if the party really was at six, arrange for Joe to mind the store tomorrow while he searched for a costume, and then go pick up Tom before he tried to drive. Otherwise,
who knew where’d he’d actually wind up?
Paul sat down to make some calls.
Paul walked out of Martha’s Bitty Costumes feeling disappointed and a vague sense of panic. It was already two and he still hadn’t found a costume he’d liked. There had been the usual selections of fake pirates, cheap vampires. And superheroes. He just didn’t want to try any spandex, and he really didn’t want to dress up as some lame pirate!
He brooded while he walked, and so nearly missed the sign to a small little hole-in-the-wall costume shop. He went inside, barely registering the sign that read; WELCOME TO THE ENCHANTED THREADS: COSTUMES SO REAL, IT’S JUST LIKE MAGIC!
Once inside the shop, Paul stopped and looked around in amazement. Every type of costume imaginable seemed crammed in this little room. They all seemed in perfect condition and of very high quality. Paul smiled a little; he wasn’t a poor man by any means, and this time he’d decided to treat himself a little and get a top-line costume. He hoped it would look good on him of
course, but also he wanted to show that the company was doing well, and that it (his company) would be worth doing business with.
As he walked through the shop humming to himself, he came across an old woman at the counter. She seemed to be knitting something and talking softly to herself. She stopped and looked up as he drew near.
“Well, good evening dear. Find something you like?” Her voice was warm and grandmotherly, and Paul found himself instantly liking her.
“Not yet.” He told her, “But I’m sure I will find something soon. You seem to have every costume imaginable here.”
The old woman chuckled. “Not quite dearie. I’m afraid my little shop wouldn’t hold so many! I still have some costumes in the back that I haven’t the space to put out. I’m not sure if I’ll ever sell those this year.” She sighed. Her movement brought a small gold nametag to bear that read, Roland.
How odd. That’s a strange name for a girl. Paul tried to keep his thoughts hidden, but obviously
failed. She smiled.
“My father wanted a boy, and so when I came along he couldn’t come up with any other name but the one he’d already picked. So I was placed with it. Not that I’m complaining mind you.” She laughed. “It’s always so comical to see those nice gentlemen try to sell some razor or shop tool to ‘Mister Roland’.”
Paul couldn’t help but laugh a little too as he thought about those looks!
“Well,” he told her when his mirth settled. “I’ve got an important party tomorrow and I need to look my best for Tom, my boss.”
Written by Snore23 on 07 May 2017
She looked thoughtfully at him. “You seem a man of some speed.” She said slowly.
Paul felt a rush of surprise. “Well, yes. I did some track in high school.” He managed to reply. In fact, he had won several medals for his marathon and dash events. But he didn’t want to bring those up. It would sound too much like boasting to him.
“In that case, have you thought about a cheetah costume?” she asked. “I think it will look the best on you, and I just happen to have one in the back. I’ll go get it and let you think about it.”
Paul tried to protest that it was really too much trouble, but she had already put away her knitting and disappeared into the back.
In moments she had returned, bringing a folded parcel with thick, spotted fur. She laid it on the counter and began to lay it out while Paul watched. When the costume lay fully revealed, she stepped back.
Paul could only stare in dumb amazement. The costume had the most realistic fur he’d ever seen before, better than even the ones around the rich ladies that came out to town on a lark. There was a cowl with the shape of a cheetah head, and a small mask that would fit over his mouth and nose, giving him a rather animalistic appearance. There was a long tail that wound up to the back of the costume, and thick padded feet. There were attached gloves for the hands with what
appeared to be claws for the fingers. Not long ones, no more than some people’s fingernails that he had seen, but they were rounded and more animal-like.
“This…appears to be perfect.” Paul stuttered.
“Thank you dear.” Roland smiled. “Now, I’m afraid that there is some bother.”
Paul tensed.
“There is a funny quirk of the owner. He doesn’t like costumes that are worn. Says that they lose something after they are tried on. So once you buy, you cannot return it.”
“You mean I can’t try it on to see if it fits?” Paul frowned, now unsure of this deal.
“Well, I do happen to have a fitting room.” Roland admitted. “But I can’t let you wear it until you’ve bought it. But I can assure you that it will fit. It’s a unique fabric that is basically one size fits all.”
Paul felt his eyebrow raise up at that. In his experience there was no such thing. However, the likely hood of finding another costume even remotely like that one were slim. He chewed over it for a while, but decided to go ahead and get it. If it didn’t fit, he could complain and at least get his money back. Or at the least resell it to Joe who was a little smaller.
Roland took his money and pointed to the fitting door.
“Enjoy your trip, dear.” She said.
“Thank you.” Paul replied carelessly. “I’m sure I will. It’s the party afterward that’s going to be dull.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Parties can be great fun.” Roland called while he closed the door.
Now inside the tiny cubicle, Roland slid out of his clothes as fast as he could. He picked up the costume, admiring the thick, warm fur it possessed. He wouldn’t go cold in that!
Putting his legs down the pants, he found another oddity; the feet felt very much like wearing a sneaker! Surely an oddly shaped one, but very comfortable. He could surely walk all night and not have to worry about aching feet or cold floors. He slid his arms through and pulled the sleeves up. His finger set neatly into the costumes. Without thinking about it, he closed the zipper and felt it snug up to his body. Turning towards the mask, he placed it on his head. The eye holes were perfectly placed, he didn’t even notice the edges of the mask at all in his vision. And the weight—lighter than air it seemed—didn’t make it bend or pull out.
With the final touches in place, he turned to view himself in the mirror. A handsome cheetah man stood there, looking somehow very real. The fur shivered slightly, as if there was a breath of wind, and the way his eyelids closed and open in a blink made it seem like the creature staring at him was alive.
The muffled sound of metal striking the floor distracted him from further investigation. Turning to look, he spied a zipper gleaming on the carpet. He bent down and picked it up.
How odd. It doesn’t feel like the costume’s opened up. I’ll have to return this though. No Return
policy or not, I won’t pay for something that falls—argh!
Pain blossomed from his abdomen and hunched him over, reaching his extremities in a matter of seconds. Hunched over as he was, he barely heard the sound of someone screaming. Dimly, he knew it was him.
As terrible as the pain had been, it was only an echo of the primary event. Aftershocks of a blindingly fast event.
Paul shakily regained his feet, holding his arms akimbo until he regained his balance. Wondering what had happened, he looked down at himself to check for injury. All he saw was a golden coat splotched with black rippling in the dull light of the fitting room.
Oh, yeah. I still have the costume on. I need to take it off.
He reached behind him to grab the zipper, then remembered it being in his hands. Opening his right fist he found the zipper hanging there.
With the zipper gone, he mused, then the costume must simply be holding itself together. A mere tug would make it fall apart. Perhaps he would keep the costume though, now that he got a closer look at it on him, he had to admit it looked good.
Dropping the useless zipper he again reached behind with both hands intending on getting a grip on the fabric and giving a sharp tug to free himself. When his fingers closed however, he gave a yelp of pain. Instead of grabbing cloth, he had grabbed skin! He’d felt the rake of claws on his back. Something was wrong here. Very wrong. He had to figure out what, and he had to do it soon.
Written by Snore23 on 13 May 2017
Paul's eyes widened in horror as he stared at the tag clutched in his hand. The revelation hit him like a ton of bricks – he had unwittingly chosen the female cheetah costume. A surge of panic coursed through him as he frantically tried to make sense of the bizarre transformation still unfolding. His body tingled with a strange energy, and he could feel the subtle shifts in his anatomy.The muscles beneath rearranged themselves, giving way to a more feminine form. Paul's chest tightened, and he felt an unfamiliar weight settling on his chest. The sensation extended to his face, the cowl and mask altering to reflect a more delicate, feline femininity. Paul touched his face in disbelief, the reality of the situation sinking in. He was becoming a cheetah woman. As he continued to examine his reflection, Paul noticed the tail had grown longer and more gracefully curved. The once-padded feet now felt daintier, and he could sense a subtle arch in his back, giving him a newfound grace. The most profound changes, however, were occurring in areas he could only sense rather than see. His internal organs shifted to accommodate the feminine structure, and he could feel the subtle rearrangement of his reproductive system.
A sudden awareness of curves and contours beneath the fur sent a shiver down his spine. A sense of disbelief washed over Paul, but he couldn't deny the reality before him. He was no longer the man who had walked into Roland's costume shop. In a strange and unexpected turn of events, he had become the embodiment of a cheetah woman. As he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the transformation, a mixture of fear and curiosity gripped him. What would the world outside the fitting room make of this unexpected metamorphosis?
Paul took a deep breath, summoning the courage to step into the unknown that awaited him beyond the door. As Paul cautiously opened the fitting room door, he was met with a surreal scene that defied all expectations. The once mundane clothing store had transformed into a bustling marketplace filled with anthropomorphic cheetahs of all shapes and sizes. The aisles were crowded with elegantly dressed cheetah men and women, chatting, browsing, and trying on various outfits. Paul hesitated for a moment, taking in the sight of his fellow anthropomorphic cheetahs. Despite the initial shock, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and grace that surrounded him. The transformation had not only altered his physical form but had also immersed him in a community of beings like him.
Paul caught glimpses of his own reflection in mirrors strategically placed throughout the store. The buxom cheetah woman that stared back at him was now a seamless part of this extraordinary world. She moved with a newfound elegance and grace, her tail swaying with each step, and her eyes radiating a sense of curiosity and wonder. Embracing the unexpected turn of events, Paul decided to immerse himself in this anthropomorphic cheetah community. He began to browse the clothing racks, selecting outfits that resonated with his newfound identity. As Paul continued to explore the anthropomorphic cheetah world, he couldn't shake the curiosity about the mysterious changes that had occurred. He reached into his bag, hoping to find some clues. Among the usual belongings, he discovered his identification card, and his eyes widened as he saw the subtle alteration. The ID now bore the name "Paula" instead of the familiar "Paul." The shock of realization sent a shiver down his spine. It seemed that not only had his physical form undergone a transformation, but his very identity had been redefined in this anthropomorphic cheetah reality. He stared at the ID, contemplating the implications of this change. It wasn't just a matter of appearance; the transformation had touched every aspect of his existence, down to the name on official documents. Paul took a moment to absorb the gravity of the situation, realizing that he was now a permanent resident of this new world.
Written by - on 03 January 2024
Paul carefully examined the address on his identification card, committing it to memory. With a mix of trepidation and curiosity he set out to find it.
As he stepped out into the bustling store, she couldn't help but feel a blend of excitement and uncertainty. Navigating through the crowded aisles, he made his way towards the exit.
As he approached the specified address, he found himself standing in front of a grand building adorned with intricate cheetah motifs. It appeared to be a central hub for the community, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.
The person on the desk nodded to him and waved him through to the elevator taking him right to the top floor. The elvator door swung open effortlessly, revealing a luxurious living space adorned with sleek furniture, contemporary art, and expansive windows that offered breathtaking views of the city skyline.
Navigating through the penthouse, He discovered a bedroom that matched the lavishness of the rest of the space. The bed was adorned with plush pillows and fine linens, and the en-suite bathroom featured a spa-like atmosphere with a deep soaking tub and sleek fixtures. It was a far cry from the modest apartment he had expected.
The realization struck him – this was not just a change in appearance and identity; it was a complete shift in lifestyle. he had stepped into a world where she was no longer Paul, the ordinary businessman, but Paula, a sophisticated cheetah woman with a taste for luxury.
He discovered closets filled with an array of designer clothing that seemed tailored to his new form. The realization sank in – this life, this identity, was now his. He couldn't deny the undeniable comfort that came with the luxurious surroundings, but acceptance remained a work in progress.
His reflection in the large mirrors scattered throughout the penthouse served as a constant reminder of the cheetah woman he had become. The elegant movements and the subtle sway of his tail were now integral parts of his existence. Still, he found himself resisting the shift in pronouns and the acceptance of the name "Paula."
As he settled into the luxurious surroundings, he couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic owner of the costume shop, Roland. What kind of magic or cosmic forces had led her to this extraordinary transformation and the accompanying life of opulence?
Determined to find answers, she decided to revisit Enchanted Threads and seek out Roland.
Upon reaching the costume shop, Paula was greeted by Roland's warm smile. The elderly woman seemed to have anticipated her return although she was a cheetah now as well.
"Roland," he began, choosing her words carefully, "I need to understand what happened. How did this costume bring about such a profound change, and why me?"
Roland's eyes twinkled with a mixture of wisdom and mischief. "My dear, the Enchanted Threads have been weaving their magic for centuries. The costumes here aren't just fabric and thread; they carry a touch of enchantment that responds to the wearer's deepest desires."
His brow furrowed as he tried to comprehend the mystical nature of the costumes. "But why turn me into a cheetah woman? And this lavish lifestyle, it's far beyond anything I could have imagined."
Roland gestured for him to sit. "The costumes have a way of tapping into your true self, the desires and aspirations you might not even be aware of. As for the lifestyle, my dear, the Enchanted Threads want to ensure that those who undergo such transformations are surrounded by a life that suits their newfound identity."
"But why me?"
"Perhaps there's a cheetah spirit within you, a desire for freedom, speed, and a touch of wild elegance. The Enchanted Threads merely brought that aspect to the surface."
"Now, my dear," Roland continued with a smile, "you have a unique opportunity. Embrace this new life, explore the possibilities it offers, and let the cheetah within you guide your journey."
"Of course if you are still unhappy with the life. After spending a fortnight here you will be able to find another costume. This new costume might be better suited to you"
"Thank you, Roland," he finally spoke, a genuine smile breaking through. "I may not fully understand it all, but I'm willing to give this new life a chance. Who knows what wonders it might bring?"
Roland's eyes sparkled with approval. "That's the spirit, my dear! Embrace the magic within you, and let the Enchanted Threads guide you on a journey of self-discovery."
Written by - on 13 January 2024
The first Day
As he stepped out of the Enchanted Threads shop, the bustling city awaited in all it's glory. Towering buildings adorned with cheetah motifs stretched towards the sky, and the streets were alive with the elegant movements of cheetahs.
He felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as the exploration begun. The city was a vibrant tapestry of cheetah life. Markets overflowed with exotic fruits, unique fabrics, and a myriad of scents that tantalized the senses. He strolled through lively streets, exchanging smiles and nods with other residents. He discovered charming cafes where cheetahs gathered for leisurely conversations, their laughter filling the air. The aroma of rich coffee beckoned him, and he found himself enjoying a cup at a sidewalk table. The world around him buzzed with activity, and he relished the freedom and grace that came with her new form.
As the day unfolded, He visited art galleries, boutiques, and parks. The city had an energy and vibrancy that mirrored the spirit of the cheetah. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the cityscape.
He Returned to the opulent apartment, marveling at the spectacular view from the expansive windows. The twinkling lights of the city spread out before him, and he couldn't deny the allure of this newfound lifestyle. Yet, as he settled into the plush surroundings, a subtle unease lingered. In the bedroom, he stared at the reflection in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. The buxom cheetah woman stared back, and he couldn't escape the internal struggle. The name "Paula" felt foreign on his tongue, and the pronouns clung to him like an unfamiliar garment.
Dinner was a lavish affair, with exquisite dishes and fine wines. The luxurious surroundings seemed designed for a life of indulgence, yet he couldn't shake the nagging discomfort. While he loved the new life, he missed the familiarity of being Paul.
The night air whispered through the open windows as he stood on the balcony, overlooking the city. The distant sounds of the city night lige below blended with the gentle night breeze. He grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between embracing the magic that had transformed him and the yearning for the life she once knew. As he retired to the bedroom, it was time to confront the inner turmoil. Alone in the quiet space, he whispered, "Paula, my name is Paula, I am a cheetah woman." The words felt alien, and a trace of sadness flickered in his eyes. He questioned the identity that had been thrust upon himself, the name that seemed to echo in the luxurious solitude.
Sleep came slowly that night, and as he drifted into dreams, he wondered about the path ahead. The city awaited his exploration, but the journey to self-acceptance and understanding seemed just as mysterious as the Enchanted Threads that had woven this fantastical tapestry of his life.
He awoke with a start, the unfamiliar weight on his chest immediately capturing his attention. The soft glow of morning light filtered through the sheer curtains, revealing the luxurious bedroom around him. The reality of the transformed self hit as he touched the contours of her new body, and she couldn't suppress a gasp.
The events of the previous day flooded back into his consciousness – the enchanted costume, the anthropomorphic cheetah world, and the opulent lifestyle he now found herself immersed in. He glanced at the large mirror, the reflection confirming the surreal truth. Paula, the cheetah woman, stared back at her with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.
With a deep breath, he rose from the plush bed, the silky sheets gliding against his fur. The room felt like a sanctuary, but the internal struggle persisted. The name "Paula" echoed in her mind, and the pronouns still felt like an ill-fitting garment.
As he stepped into the en-suite bathroom, he was confronted by the reflection in the mirror again. "Paula, the cheetah woman," he said trying to acclimate to the reality that had unfolded. The weight on his chest, the graceful movements of his tail, and the curves beneath the fur were constant reminders of the enchantment that had shaped her new identity.
He eyed herself in the mirror, a subtle frown creasing her features. "Why are they so large?" he mumbled, looking at her chest in the reflective surface. The buxom figure that stared back seemed to emphasize the femininity of the new form "Would it be easier if they were smaller?" he wondered aloud, the voice carrying a mix of curiosity and self-reflection. The internal dialogue echoed in the tiled bathroom, as he grappled with the physical changes that were to reflect a deeper aspect of herself. "Did it pick up on the desires of when I was male?" she pondered.
Written by - on 23 January 2024
A gentle knock on the door signaled the arrival of breakfast. Paula padded over, the soft carpet cushioning her steps, and opened the door to find a server with a tray laden with a delicious assortment of cheetah-friendly dishes. The aroma wafted through the room, making her stomach growl in response.
"Good morning, Ms. Paula," the server greeted, offering a warm smile. "Your breakfast is served."
Paula returned the smile, appreciating the hospitality. The server placed the tray on a small table, complete with a selection of fruits, pastries, and a steaming cup of rich coffee. The cheetah-themed tableware added a touch of whimsy to the meal.
"Thank you," Paula said, her voice betraying a mix of gratitude and curiosity. She eyed the spread, unsure where to begin. The server, sensing her hesitation, offered a helpful suggestion on the specialties and flavors of each dish.
As Paula settled into her seat, she marveled at the variety of foods tailored to her transformed physiology. The flavors were exquisite, a delightful blend of familiar and exotic tastes. She savored each bite, feeling a sense of indulgence in the luxurious surroundings.
Between bites, Paula glanced at the television, where the morning news continued to unfold. The server discreetly answered her questions about the city's notable landmarks and attractions, providing valuable insights into the cheetah community's rich cultural tapestry.
As Paula enjoyed her breakfast, a sense of appreciation for the intricate details of this enchanted experience began to bloom within her. The seamless fusion of luxury, tailored cuisine, and the enchanting world outside her window created a surreal yet captivating reality.
Once she finished her meal, Paula reclined on the plush sofa, contemplating the day ahead. The city beckoned, offering a tapestry of adventures and discoveries waiting to be unraveled. With renewed determination, she decided to step beyond the confines of her penthouse, ready to explore the vibrant cheetah society that awaited her in this enchanting anthropomorphic world.
Paula took a moment to freshen up, relishing the soothing amenities of the lavishly appointed bathroom. As she stepped out, the vibrant energy of the city beckoned, and she felt a sense of excitement tinged with a hint of nervousness.
Written by - on 08 February 2024
The end (for now)