Reality Hopping
In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:
No more then
- 1 a Day
- 6 a Week
- 20 every 4 weeks
- 50 every 12 weeks
- 180 every 48 weeks
These measurements are based on your home reality.
Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.
When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.
If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:
Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2
If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes
Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004
Alterntive Scenarios from Other Stories
This is for characters from the other stories in other scenarios.
Written by catprog on 21 February 2016
Yourself in an another setting.
Written by - on 13 September 2023
World of Change
An exciting new theme park called “World of Change” has opened near you, promising a “life-changing experience”. Initial reviews have been through the roof... and best of all, admission is super-cheap! You decide to go there and see what all the fuss is about. You arrive at the park close to its opening, planning to spend a full day there if possible. Crowds of people fill the entrance and mill about, but the sheer size of the place gives plenty of room to move about and explore. There are 4 lands to explore: Pharaoh Land, an egypt-inspired area with a massive walk-through pyramid-themed funhouse; Mystic Waters, an ocean-themed waterpark; Hidden Mountain, a Japanese-inspired fantasy village at the base of a Fuji-like mountain; and lastly, the Jungle Gym, a massive playground and maze overgrown with tall trees and vines.
Where do you want to go first?
Written by CoggerD on 02 October 2023
Pharaoh Land
As you leave the park entrance and head towards Pharaoh Land, the carefully-kept grass lining the sidewalks slowly give way to small streams filled with clear water and dotted with papyrus reeds, while the path itself changes from paved asphalt to a rough cobblestone. Outside of the streams, a vast desert—seemingly TOO vast to be held within the park—stretches toward the horizon, with date palms scattered across the area. The streams branch off and eventually join with a miniature river that flows into a delta, a strip of green among the sands. Dominating this delta is the massive pyramid you saw before, covered in smooth limestone and capped with what looks like pure gold; various rides, sales kiosks, and restaurants designed after palaces, temples and shrines fill the rest of the space, with the occasional obelisk completing the look. Where do you go from here?
Written by CoggerD on 04 October 2023
The pyramid
As you approach the massive monument, you begin to appreciate its sheer size; a feeling of smallness, of insignificance nearly overwhelms you. Upon reaching the entrance, you see no tour guide—instead, there is a sign in both Egyptian hieroglyphic and English that reads:
Traveler who enters here
Be careful where you tread!
Inside this monument of stone
Two choices lay ahead:
The leftward path, descending down
Into the deepest dark
Will draw you in, until you kneel
To Anubis' deathly bark.
The rightward path, though leading up
Towards the soaring blue,
Will cast you down among the beasts
If you don't answer true.
The choice is yours, O Traveler,
To choose your final fate,
Or turn back now, and try to flee
Before it is too late!
Something about the poem briefly gives you pause, but you steel your nerves and step forward into the pyramid. After passing through halls lit by torches and covered in exquisite carved decorations, you indeed find yourself at a fork in the path: to your left, a stairway that leads down further than the torchlight can reach, into darkness so black you can't see a thing; to your right, a smooth slope leading upward, with a Sphinx head on the top of the doorway and more torches lighting the way. Which path do you choose?
Written by CoggerD on 06 October 2023
The left passage
You decide you aren't afraid of the dark, and choose the stairway to the left. As you descend, the light from the torches above grows more and more distant—and the path ahead darker and darker. You begin carefully feeling your way along the wall as you follow the stairs down even further, and by the time you reach the bottom of the stairs you can hardly see your hands in front of you. For a moment, you wonder if you shouldn't turn around... but then, peering as well as you can into the darkness, you just barely make out a stone lever next to a brazier. The only other thing you can see are two pinpoints of light, seemingly far off—but any light would be welcome here. What do you do?
Written by CoggerD on 08 October 2023
Pull the lever
To your relief, pulling the lever did not activate a booby trap; instead, the brazier burst into flames, followed by more braziers across the black, revealing a room with golden sarcophagi lining the walls, and a giant golden statue of Anubis, the Egyptian Jackal-god in the center. Each sarcophagus features a human form with the face of a jackal; perhaps either one of them, or the statue, was the source of the light you saw earlier? Unfortunately, this room seems to be a dead end otherwise—and the sound of a stone door slamming into place behind you tells you that you are trapped in here. After a moment of panic, you come to the conclusion that this must be some form of escape room, and that the answer to escaping it must lie in one of the sarcophagi, or perhaps somewhere on the statue. Which do you choose to investigate?
Written by CoggerD on 10 October 2023
A sarcophagus
You're closer to the walls anyway, so you decide to try one of the sarcophagi leaning against them first; upon approaching the one closest to you, you struggle to move the heavy lid... but after much strain, it falls off. Unfortunately, within the sarcophagus, there seems to be nothing but mummy wrappings and a wooden jackal mask. Suddenly, before you have any time to react, the wrappings whip out of the sarcophagus all on their own and wrap around you, cocooning you in a tight grip with your arms pinned to your sides; the mask floats in the air, turns around, and places itself upon your head, and you feel an invisible force pulling you into the sarcophagus. You struggle in vain, your cries muffled by the mask as you hear the heavy lid lift off the ground and seal you inside; panic rushes over you at first, but then you hear a strange voice—one that seems to come from all around you, from right next to you, and from far away, all at once—and you find yourself straining to hear. It speaks in an ancient tongue, and you can't seem to understand it at first... but slowly, the words begin to make sense to you:
Listen and obey...
Fear not the dark...
Listen and obey...
Fear not the night...
Listen and obey...
Let out a bark,
And your worries shall be swept away...
The words repeat over and over in your mind, and you could swear you hear the sounds of barking amidst the words. As you listen, you find yourself almost wanting to join in, to do as the voice says and bark as well... and eventually, you can't control it anymore. You let out a bark... and feel a wave of calm wash over you, as you suddenly find your arms and legs slightly more mobile. The mask feels a little tighter, though, which makes you worry for some reason, but the voice promised that your worries would go away if you just barked more. So you bark again, and the lid of the sarcophagus slides just a bit, your arms and legs being just a bit more mobile as well. The mask presses further against your face, but somehow it doesn't feel uncomfortable; in fact, it feels almost natural, like it belongs there. You bark again, and again, and again, and at last the lid slides off, freeing you; you look down at your body to find that you are still wrapped up like a mummy, but your arms and legs are wrapped in such a way as to allow movement. A strange sensation of something behind you startles you, but then you realize that it's just your tail. You feel so calm that it takes you a while to notice that the braziers are all out, leaving you in total darkness... and yet you can see as clearly as ever. All the other sarcophagi in the room open up to reveal others like you, with Jackal heads and wrappings like yours. They emerge and begin barking, and you lend your own bark to the chorus as all present—yourself included—prostrate yourselves before the statue of Anubis, Lord of the Dead, who made you in His image so that you may serve His will. Your tail wags at the thought of aiding your Master in guiding the souls of the newly-dead towards their final rest, and forever serving at His side.
Written by CoggerD on 12 October 2023
The end (for now)