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“Ah...he escaped. I expected as much,” Knelt down at the pond’s edge, Nugruc watched one of the Odo Hounds approach it, sniffing rapidly before whimpering, at the sadness of a lost meal, and a displeased master. Yet, the eyeless reptile reached out to caress the beast’s head, rubbing it and hearing pleased barks from the disgusting monster. “Out of all of those here, I knew THAT one, that Morph, would figure how to escape first...and I’m glad I was right. Was quite a fun hunt regardless, and I gained so many trophies...but alas, they’re all dead for that Hyena one.” Nugruc was a tad upset that beast managed to elude him, though as for where he went, that remained a mystery.


No matter; some Odo Hounds around the gateway would prevent any was bad enough but two? He’d need to rethink his skills.


“Juvrus, prepare some more Morphs for me to’s time to refill the prey.” Pressing his hand to a communicator on his wrist, Nugruc rose, and began to trek away from the gateway to escape...where his prey would inevitably come. “And this time? Make sure you find someone with willpower like that again...I want to hunt THAT one first.”

Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 06 October 2018

The end (for now)

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