Reality Hopping
In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:
No more then
- 1 a Day
- 6 a Week
- 20 every 4 weeks
- 50 every 12 weeks
- 180 every 48 weeks
These measurements are based on your home reality.
Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.
When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.
If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:
Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2
If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes
Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004
Alterntive Scenarios from Other Stories
This is for characters from the other stories in other scenarios.
Written by catprog on 21 February 2016
Generic Person. Generic Settings
A generic person in a generic setting.
Written by catprog on 03 June 2017
Light gradually pierces the blackness until his eyes are forced wide-open. Gideon rubs his weary eyes and warily looks around him. Up above, three moons of varying size hang high and low in a bright purple and blue sky. Underneath him is a small bed of teal grass with strangely shaped, luminescent flowers growing in between the sea-green blades. To top it all off, it seems he’s in the middle of a forest of crimson and golden trees that are anywhere from a standard tree’s height, to that of a child, or what might as well be small skyscrapers. “Where the hell am I?”
“Clearly somewhere you’re not supposed to be here,” a male voice calls from somewhere above Gideon, somewhere in the colored leaves of the high trees.
“Who’s there?”
Written by KnightofFellsia on 10 April 2018
“It’d be better if I ask how you got here in the first place.” A large black crow flaps out of the leaf-shielded canopy and dives downward, sending a torrent of red pouring from the great crimson tree. The crow lands right in front of him and turns its head. Black beady eyes like volcanic rock stare into him, deeper than he thought a bird could. It opens its mouth as if it might shriek in Gideon’s face with a terrible caw, but instead a calm voice like the one he heard above comes from it. “Depending on who you ask you’ll get a lot of different names for me, but Zachariah is what most call me by and what I prefer to go by.”
Gideon almost couldn’t breathe out a response. “Y-y-you’re a talking bird?”
“Not really, considering that I’m not actually a bird, just someone who can turn into one.” The black crow before him gradually transformed. Black feathers melted and hardened to look like pale flesh and black leather. Those tiny, all-seeing black pebbles became larger and gained the blue of a vast cosmos, with just as much depth in those eyes as one. It grew taller and wider to have several inches on him. Hair sprouted from him like an emerging flower, silver hair stained in ebony. When the creature finished, it no longer looked like an animal, but a human.
He couldn’t have been older than late thirties. Hiding much of his body was a long, black leather coat, but with what could be seen, his body was muscular yet lithe at the same time along with broad shoulders. His eyes were like blue stars, deep and with a distant fire that emits a radiant azure glow that could probably light someone on fire if he stared at them long enough. Beneath his right eye was an odd-looking red tattoo of swirls and lines as if they were tribal markings. There were two faints scars on his face, one on his left cheek that curved downward into an artificial, oblong laugh line and another on his forehead going over his right eye like another crooked eyebrow. In his head of silver hair were patches of black almost like an inkblot test. But above all, the shapeshifter was handsome, handsome like a model rouge with too much experience or a veteran fairytale knight.
Zachariah finally spoke. “Care to explain what you’re doing in my home, Gideon?”
Zachariah smiled at him wryly.
Written by KnightofFellsia on 14 April 2018
Mind Reader
Gideon’s eyes widened. “Hey… How do you know my name?”
“You kidding me? Your mind is like an open book; it was way too easy to take a peek. But don’t worry, I just did a tiny bit of a surface glance to check you out and found your name.” Gideon felt a cold sweat start to form down his back. Zachariah’s lips turned upward into a self-amused smirk. Who the hell was this guy? In spite of his welcoming appearance, no matter what though, Gideon couldn’t shake this odd feeling, a kind of energy surrounding the shapeshifter that proved even further there was a lot more to him than at first impressions. A psychic and a shapeshifter all in one? Something told Gideon this was only scraping the surface of this intimidating entity.
Gideon hoped changing the topic would make things a little less uncomfortable, at least for him. “How’d I get here?”
“Yeah, you hopped right into my domain while you were unconscious.” The shapeshifter mutters under his breath, “And here I thought I secured this place tighter than a miser’s wallet.”
Gideon shook his head confused. “Hopped in here?”
“Meaning you came into my universe. Either a special rift opened up near you or someone sent you here, I can’t tell. Regardless, it doesn’t really matter.”
“Your universe…?”
He put up his hand. “It’s a long a story and there’s no point in standing around here all day. You can’t leave here without me, and I don’t want to let you off yet; you interrupted some of my personal time when I sensed you hop in and came to check you out. So… you’ll get to be my entertainment for a while.”
“Err…” Gideon stammered with his mouth agape. Oh god, what was he going to do to him?
Zachariah snickered and lightly tapped his fingers against Gideon’s head. “Relax. I just wanna play tour guide and host. It’ll be fun, trust me.” The young man had an uncomfortable, forced grin on his face. He rolls his eyes, “Anyway, you’ve got one of two destinations, Gideon. Either you can venture back with me to my humble abode, or you can come with me to pay a visit to some friends of mine. Both of which aren’t too far. Which would you prefer?”
Written by KnightofFellsia on 19 April 2018
He smiles. “You’ll like it, I promise.” With a wave of his hand and a wink, Zachariah bids Gideon to follow, “Come hither.” Gideon reluctantly follows beside him. They walk through the alien forest and Zachariah keeps looking at him with a grin and a look in his eye, practically awaiting a barrage of questions from Gideon. But he didn’t get any. The young man tried not to look Zachariah in the eye and didn’t open his mouth. The fear coming off of him was more palpable than an animal trapped in a cage with a predator. Zachariah gradually lost his smile.
After about ten minutes of awkward silence, Zachariah stops dead in his tracks. He lets out a sigh and shakes his head. “Yeah, I can’t keep up with this. This is way too uncomfortable for my liking, and I’m not going to walk for over an hour in the silence of a man who thinks he’s going to be torn to pieces.”
The shapeshifter quickly transformed himself, morphing and bending his body while his pale skin hardened into hard, black scales. His head grew scales as well and gained notable plates along his skull. Large slits containing fiery-red eyes with reptilian irises replaced those vaguely human ones. Dull humanoid teeth sharpened themselves into beds of broken glass and canines elongated further into proud fangs. A long, writhing tail akin to a scaled scythe sprouted from his rear and abyssal wings like a cape erupted from his back and spread wide open. A bizarre smoke like black starlight escaped from his mouth and nostrils.
Written by KnightofFellsia on 24 April 2018
Before Gideon could decide how he should panic or start running, the dragon-like creature lunged at him and flipped him into the air with its snout. Gideon landed on Zachariah’s back. Stunned from the sudden force, he puts his hand to his head as he rises. The dragon turns its head back and looks at him. In a deep, guttural voice Zachariah says, “Hold on tight. You might not like this.” Gideon had only moments to barely process his words, doing what he was told without even meaning to, gripping onto long scales.
Leaping into the air, Zachariah’s wings flapped, sending gusts of wind that shook the trees with each beat. He then propelled himself and Gideon high into the sky, leaving the forest low before them; the sheer velocity made Gideon feels as if he were on the mother of all rollercoasters. When they were high enough, Zachariah leveled off and allowed them to glide at a meandering pace. Other than wanting to throw up a little and having sore hands with buried scale imprints, Gideon was none worse for wear. A comforting, cool breeze whooshes past Gideon’s face and gives him some reprieve.
Getting his bearings, he looks around him and his mouth opens in astonishment. Mountains ribbed the landscape and rise high into the sky where their summits are topped in a thick layer of white. Grasslands of colored grass flourish below and past the forests. Ornate, decorated white stone pillars and markers dotted the landscape. Flying further, a sight steadily became more visible at the edge of the horizon; vast oceans of dark blue like molten sapphires reigned supreme and wildlife circled around those waters, where giant creatures like sea leviathans jumped in and out in a dance.
Written by KnightofFellsia on 04 May 2018
Gideon didn’t even notice they were near their destination. “There she is…” Zachariah mumbled loudly to himself. Toward the east sprawled a massive complex that put the movies and fairytales to shame. It was a palace, one that went on for miles in all directions near a lake and forest; you could have easily called it a small city. Tiled roads and streets of swirled granite and marble in alternate patterns set the paths. Silvery-white stone laced in black and gold made the basis of all the structures. There were dozens of large, small, and medium-sized buildings alike with towers sticking out of many of them, some structures being towers by themselves. None of which Gideon could identify their purpose.
Zachariah descends toward the front door of his home and lands on the fine stones. Gideon slides off and the shapeshifter returns to his humanoid form. He was smirking. “Enjoy the ride?”
“All things considered, it wasn’t too bad. Would’ve been a little better if you had given me more warning.”
“But where’s the fun in that?” Gideon ignored him. “Fair enough. Come on,” Zachariah said with a wave. “I’m hungry, and chances are you’re a bit puckish as well.”
Gideon did feel rather empty on the inside “Sure. I just hope it doesn’t take an hour to reach your kitchen.”
Written by KnightofFellsia on 14 May 2018
Dining Room
“Heh. If you think the outside is impressive, just wait until you see what it looks like inside.” The two tread up the front steps. Zachariah opens the gilded, unlocked door and gestures for Gideon to enter.
Immediately as soon as Gideon crossed the threshold, he let out an audible, “Woah.” From the floor to the ceiling is looked as if there were a mile between the two. The floor was tiled in blue, white, and gold marble. Modern-looking lights lit up the foyer and the hallways while a giant chandelier hung from the ceiling like a spider on its silk strand. Stairs were frequent and ivory white, with two sets in particular at the end ahead of Gideon centered in the foyer leading up to either side of a grand indoor balcony. How the hell did Zachariah get his hands on a place like this?
Speaking of the devil, he nudged Gideon’s shoulder. “I’ll make sure you don’t get lost,” he said with a wink. The shapeshifter led him at first down a hall to the left and further along many twists and turns with countless doors on either side. Pictures and painting of people and places that Gideon couldn’t recognize hung everywhere on the walls. Zachariah was in a number of these paintings and pictures, often with the same people that he saw multiple times in others. Gideon considered asking him about it, but Zachariah didn’t give him a chance. They came across a set of two large, dark wooden doors that Zachariah pushes open.
Beyond the doors lay a dining room capable of housing an army with dozens upon dozens of tables, each ranging in size and shape from squares, to rectangle, to circles and able to seat as few as a handful of people or as many as dozens. Leading him to a small, circular table, Zachariah urges Gideon to take a seat. He leaves and passes through another set of doors presumably to the kitchen, forcing Gideon to continue taking in the absurdly large scale of this place. In sheer scope alone, it probably gave the Palace of Versailles a good run for its money. After some ten minutes or so, Zachariah returns with several plates, cups, bowls, jugs, kettles and silverware filled with food and drink, somehow managing to carry them all himself. He sets the table and distributes the food before seating himself in front of Gideon. “Enjoy.”
The two eat their meal and as they do so, Zachariah says, “You must have quite a few questions to ask me, Gideon. However, I have more matters to attend to today and many of your questions will have long answers. That being said, which would you rather know about: The world which you’re on or me and my ability to transform?”
Written by KnightofFellsia on 19 May 2018
Zachariah had a proud grin on his face. “This’ll be fun then. To begin, I learned how to become animals from a mentor of mine, a very old fellow who didn’t look his age. In fact, he never looked his age; if he did he’d be a pile of dust and bone.” The shapeshifter laughed at that. “Anyway, he showed me how after me and my adoptive brothers helped him out with a big problem of his back where I come from.”
“How exactly can you do it?”
Zachariah leaned forward and put a finger to Gideon’s lips as the hand transformed into a clawed, furry paw resembling that of a tiger. Black claws right in Gideon’s face and so close to him that he swore he’d start bleeding any moment. “It’s story time. Try not to interrupt, or you’ll miss the parts you might want. ‘Kay?” Gideon nodded his head.
“Splendid.” Zachariah allowed his hand to return to human form and removed it from Gideon. “Since you asked preemptively, I suppose I’ll tell you right away. To put it simply, I envision an animal and what I know of it or how I perceive it to be, and then I assume its form. The simpler the creature, the easier it is, but the more complex ones require more effort and concentration. If you’re talking about the specific how am I able to do it, well the best answer is that you have to have a very strong will, a firm understanding of life and nature, you need to be able to use magic and be gifted with it, and you have to be able to transform your body in some way, whether it’s through illusions, drugs, spells or rituals, or having a malleable form, and then the rest goes from there all on its own. It gets a lot easier the more you do it. Once you’ve got animals down, then people are a piece of cake. You can look like anyone you choose.” What Zachariah said next wasn’t in his voice, it was one that Gideon knew all too well, his own. “You can even mimic another person’s voice. Mannerisms are much harder, but those aren’t too important if you have the look and sound down.” Hearing his voice come from another person’s mouth somewhat sickened him, but he also found it morbidly fascinating.
Zachariah’s eyes widened and it seemed his voice went back to normal. “All that said, I must depart! People are waiting on me, and it’s rude to keep them waiting for too long.”
“Hey!” Gideon injected. “What am I supposed to-?”
“Enjoy the mansion while I’m gone, Gideon!” Zachariah interrupted him. “I should return within a day. Toodles!” On that note, the shapeshifter did as his title implied and became a creature, this time a large, black bat, that flew out one of the high windows, causing glass to shatter before the glass paused in midair and rewound itself back into place as if nothing happened. Gideon was all alone at a table in the palace of a strange being that could turn into animals, monsters, and people on a world that hardly resembled his own.
“Ugh…” He sighed. “What in the world am I involved in?”
Written by KnightofFellsia on 25 May 2018
The end (for now)