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Wear it emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

He approached the crown very slowly, and reached his hand out for it, scaled fingers locking around it.


All at once, he felt unbridled…fear. Fear if he’d be able to cope with himself following the things he did. Fear that he wouldn’t be able to function in the outside world when he got home. Fear that, despite it all…he’d stay a monster.


The fear was a good thing; it meant the human that was Jake hasn’t truly died yet.


The crown was lifted, and he placed it onto his head. He could not speak what he desired…but the crown seemed to understand.


A swirling blue vortex opened, showing the brief visage that was his apartment. It was untouched, and safe, and he could go into it…but…he found himself unable to take the plunge after all.

Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 28 November 2017

Both New Costume

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