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“Hrrrrgggg…” He snarled, trying to force words out once more; as to be expected, nothing. But, he could write. Kneeling, he traced his finger into the soil, and gradually the marauder picked up on it, though his actions still showed he was clear out of his mind with fear.


“A-A means to be human; I m-might know of something. Th-There’s a crown we were supposed to pillage; rumored to belong to an old king. If one were to grasp it, they could wish for whatever they wanted…I thought it was bullshit but…g-go for it, man…just please, spare me.” The bandit even tossed out a map for Jake; the latter picking it up and stuffing it into a discarded satchel. Rising, he didn’t dare waste an opportunity given…and he decided to arm himself; taking the bandit’s bow and then pillaging his friend’s corpses; Jake walking away from the scene of carnage now armed with a large ax and a bow slung over his back, and even with a leather quiver filled with arrows. He knew how to use one, due to some time at summer camp, but not the other.


Still, he had time; there would be ample chances to learn it properly. He was in no rush…at least, not as much of a one he was in originally.

Written by AGhostInTheMachine on 24 November 2017

Both To the Tower

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