Change back
"What to do?! What to do!?" Your mind spins, whirring before you suddenly hunch down. You lips drag over the thin film of dust on the floor before the cool metal touches your lips and you grab for it with your teeth.
Then, swiveling, you charge for the door with the amulet swinging from your mouth and smacking into the soft, bouncing flesh of your chest. Once outside, you meld back into the brush and shadows before slowly maneuvering the amulet back over your head.
Once again, the glamour's magic sinks into your skin. You feel yourself transforming back again until you look down to see the flat expanse of your own chest again, bare of breasts once more and find you have five fingers instead of claws. For a second, the wing seem to linger on your back before they fade back into a shadow and then into nothing. You look down at yourself, inspecting your lanky form without claws, paws, or wings.
Once again, you're safely human.
...A naked human. You need to find some new clothes!
Your eyes dart across the room. You see the wife, startled from her dusting, is now just staring. You feel a hot blush rush up your cheeks at the realization that with their melded back into your skin- as though it was never there at all- you have nothing covering you. Instead, the poor married woman is staring right down at something jutting out from between your thighs, something that very well could scandalize!
Plus, to make matters worse, the massive meathead from the bar is still standing to the side of you after being startled into action. You remember him glimpsing you during the change, he could still relate you to the Sphinx! He could still want to kill you!
His mouth opens, and both of your fingers fold over one another in a desperate plea for luck. You strain to hear another cry of "Kill the Sphinx!", but when his mouth opened- instead out came an explosive belch and a guttural giggle.
"Fuck! I must've been drunker than I thought! I thought I saw a fuckin' magiiic creature!" He stumbled back to the bar with a graceful thud back onto his stool before both fingers lifted into the honorable salute of "Give me alcohol, bartender," but the man behind the stand shook his head.
"I think you have had enough tonight, buddy."
"Who are you?! Huh?! Who do you think you are? The police?! Has't thou been drinking tonight? Your eyes are red! Have you been having doughnuts, you are be glazed!"
Having amused himself, the man collapsed into an explosion of giggles that had him clutching his stomach and sucking air through his jagged skyline of teeth. Then, after a long stretch of laughing he fell off the chair completely with a dull thunk of his unconscious body meeting the wooden floor.
"Ah," you thought. "To be human again."
Written by Picklessauce69 on 08 August 2015
The end (for now)