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I'm here to kill things and chew gum. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

And you have gum. Now what you need is "to kill things". You check the door. It is unlocked, so you enter. The doors open and close with much more realistic
sounds than you remember.


The door closes and you look around the room. Two corpses are laying in this room. One looks as though it were badly mangled, and the other looks like it was shot with the standard issue UAC shotgun. <This is getting wierd> you think to yourself.


You also see a barrel of toxic waste. <Yes!> you think < This will come in handy later> As toxic waste it is highly flamable, and will explode after being shot.


You push the barrel into a better position to your advantage, but then realise that you don't have to push it, you can lift it now because this is real.


After setting up a basic perimeter from the two paths you enter the room to the left. It has stairs and two power conduits on either side of the stairs. At the top of the stairs, is a case with armor in it.


You decide to go up and get the armor. You enter the room and two zombies with pistols come out from behind the power conduits. You were expecting this so you quickly make an exit back into the lobby (first area you were in).


They follow you out and start shooting you. With your marine reactions, you can easily dodge most of the bullets, while readying your gun. You take the safety off and aim carefully at the barrels.
One shot.
Another shot.
Hits again,
only this time it explodes.




The two zombies are thrown through the air by the shock wave of toxic explosion. You have to quickly hide behind a pillar to avoid getting splattered with the stuff.


Now, with these guys gone, you can now get the armor. You go up the stairs, and walk up to the case. The actual armor is concealed in a compartment, but as you walk up to it, it opens and rises. Then the glass dome covering it is opened.


You take the armor and take off your original armor.


Then put the new armor on, and the original armor over the top. This is so anything that gets through your light armor will be stopped easier by the other one.


You now proceed through the other door. You open the door and go through. When you go in, you find that...

Written by underdrag on 04 May 2006

Male The Computer room.

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