Reality Hopping
In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:
No more then
- 1 a Day
- 6 a Week
- 20 every 4 weeks
- 50 every 12 weeks
- 180 every 48 weeks
These measurements are based on your home reality.
Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.
When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.
If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:
Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2
If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes
Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004
Video games
You decide to travel to a video game. But which one will you choose?
Written by catprog on 20 April 2006
To Mobius!
So, off to the world of Mobius, home of the one and only Sonic the Hedgehog, are we?
You'll need to choose a form before you can enter, however. There's a pretty long list to choose from, but choose wisely!
You can be...
- a Mobian (like Sonic and his pals)
- a robot (like E-123 Omega), or
- a human character from the series
Well? Come on, step it up!
Written by Prime Metallix on 09 May 2009
The machines...!
Hm. You'd like to go it as a robot, eh?
Alrighty, then. Who would you like to go as?
Written by Punchmaster on 06 November 2009
A little mistake...?
Well, isn't this something. Of all of the choices you had, you came back to Metal Sonic. He's been a favourite of yours for some time, and you probably jumped at the chance to get to be him.
You don't get much time to think about your decision, though; the changes are starting!
You can feel it as it happens; your eyes and ears distorting and moving, your nose forming into a smaller, tubular shape.
Then, you notice something blue on your arm, accompanied by an itching sensation as it spreads over your body. It spreads out to cover your back, your legs, your head, leaving bald patches around your mouth and chest.
As you start to lose your height, you feel the blue coating; it's not metal, but fur.
"Fur?! But... I wanted to be Metal Sonic," you say to yourself.
The last changes are finishing; your new tail, your animal-like ears, and spines have almost taken shape. You sigh, feeling a bit let down that you didn't become what you expected. At least---
A violent shiver shoots down your spine, and you start to feel a pain in your skull like someone is taking a jackhammer into your brain.
You yelp in pain as a flash of pale green light envelops you.
Then, there is nothing but pain.
You feel as though your flesh is being ripped from your bones. In a frenzy, you try to struggle, trying to find some way out of this madness; the pain only worsens. The natural warmth of your body is stripped away and replaced by a hard, alien cold that chills you to the core.
Then, you hear a voice in your head, a hundred times above the agony. The voice is cold and monotone; it sounds like a synthesised computer voice. With every word it speaks, louder and louder, the pain slowly fades away.
You are floating in nothingness. Everything is black. You feel nothing.
Written by Punchmaster on 06 November 2009
Waking up...
There is nothing but darkness.
Usually, if it were this dark, you'd feel cold. But you feel nothing. You cannot move, you cannot breathe, you cannot speak, or hear, or feel anything.
Absolute nothingness.
There is a light.
A small, dim light, but it seems much brighter in the perpetual darkness. Slowly, it grows larger... no, it's moving toward you...
It is black again. Not the "nothingness" dark from before, but the familiar, cold dark that you feel at night when all the lights are out.
Was it all just... a dream?
A small, red line appears in the corner of your eye.
Like a computer screen, words appear before your eyes:
COMMENCING STARTUP PROCEDURE.<i>What...?! What's going on?!</i>
You open your eyes.
For a split second, everything is white as your eyes adjust to the lighting. Slowly, everything fades back into focus...
Everything is red. You can make out that you are in a room with a long desk of some sort on the opposite side, but everything you see has a light red tint to it. There are words popping up in front of your eyes, pointing to everything in the room. You try to reach out and grab them from the air, but your arms are stiff and don't respond. You try to move your legs, but realize that you cannot. You are completely paralysed, unable to move anything.
There is a man coming into the room. You can't explain it, but before the door opens, before you even hear the footsteps outside, you know that they are coming. They walk into the room from a door behind you; you can't turn around to see who it its.
"Ah, I see that you are finally awake," he says. His voice is haughty and tipped with a slight European accent. "You must be confused as to what you're doing here, right?"
You try to answer, but you cannot speak.
"I'd assume you would be. I'll not keep you in the dark. You are here for one purpose, and one purpose only: to lend your services to me, your master."
<i>My what?!</i>
"You are the end product of my latest experimentations with Mobian-based robots; aka, the 'Metallix'. My first few attempts failed miserably, with the first three models being destroyed within only hours of their activation. I've taken much more precaution with you, however.
"You are much better-equipped than the first models. Your speed is nearly equivalent to that of your counterpart, and you can endure much more than the others could."
The man finally steps out from behind you, into your view. He is very oddly-shaped; his body is round and egg-like in form, with long, thin arms and legs. He wears a rather flamboyant, tailed coat and black pants. An oddly stylish pair of goggles cling to his bald head, with darkly-tinted glasses obscuring your view of his eyes. A wide, haphazardly-trimmed moustache stretches across his face.
"Now then, my brilliant creation. You will serve only me, Doctor Ivo Robotnik, your new master..."
Written by Punchmaster on 06 November 2009
The end (for now)