Visitors, Precious!
You have an opportunity no one else has ever had... you think; a chance to visit the apparent idol of millions of fanboys and girls worldwide! What are Kitsune like? How do they govern themselves? Do they know any good riddles? It's time to find out! You ready your pen and paper... you may as well make this demi-scientific. A few notes may be invaluable to science, or omesuch.
You're ready, but... how does this teleportation thing work? You decide to try the simple approach.
"Oh forces that made this... maze thing," you begin, "I choose to visit the Kitsune homeworld for exactly one week, at which time I would like to return to morph again."
You are standing in what seems to be a very thick forest, between two trees, except everything around you has an unearthly air of pure awesome around it.
The ferns and shrubbery are vibrant, odiferous and awesome. The trees are super-huge, and the leaves are like pure manifestations of awesome. A mosquito lands on your reddish, hairy arm, and when it bites you it doesn't suck your blood, but it sucks out that plaque that had been building up in your arteries and which would have caused you pain and suffering in your later years.
What's most awesome, though, are the Kitsune (Kitsuneses?). Like huge foxes with lots more tails, they're prancing around their homes, which seem to be elegant underground tunnels a la hobbit holes. Some carry bundles of herbs, some are discussing politics and their most daring exploits, and some seem to be keeping the walks clean with straw brooms held in their nimble paws.
You wonder vaguely if Kitsuni can spin their tails around and fly, like in Sonic.
When you ploink onto the scene, all the Kitsune stop and stare at you. Pretty standard reaction, really.<P/>Well, you're here for a week. What's next?
Written by Mr.Peaches on 10 February 2006