Transformation Mansion
There are many points in the mansion where you will change forms.
The more nights you spend in a form the more your behavior will reflect that form (also the longer you stay at a time the quicker your behaviour changes).
If you change forms your behavior will go to the current state of that form for you.
(e.g you are a tiger for 10 nights , become a dolphin for another 10 and become a tiger again. The tiger form behavior is still the same as is was when you become a dolphin)
You can only spend 30 consecutive nights or 90 total in a form before your behavior is totally that form's behavior.
Also after 300 nights in the mansion, you will become the form that you have spent the most of the last 300 days in (apart from the one you entered in) in its current state.
If any of the 3 previous situations (30 consecutive or 90 in one form or 300 nights total) occur you will then be teleported out of the mansion.
You may also leave at any time through any exit, except the one you entered in. You will leave the mansion in whatever your current state of mind and body
If you leave the mansion by any means you may not come back for 5 years.
To start you off you will receive a transformation into a...
Written by Catprog on 04 July 2004
Turning into a Fox...
As the changes start, you look down at your feet. You toenails have become claws and your feet have begun to reshape into paws. As pads form on the soles of your feet, a wave of reddish-brown fur starts to appear, and slowly crawls up your legs. As the fur grows, it seems to absorb your clothing.
As the change moves up your legs, the bone structure quietly reshapes to match a digitigrade form. Soon the change is at knee level, and your knees suddenly reverse and bend the other way. The change speeds up as it moves up your hips, and you begin to shrink.
As the change reaches your groin area, several things happen at once. Fur shoots up your whole stomach, a tail blossoms from the end of your spine, and you fall onto all fours, no longer able to stand erect. The fur climbs up your back, and reaches your nipples, which disappear into your chest.
As the change reaches your shoulders, the joints alter to fit a quadrupedal stance, and the fur shoots down your arms, covering and changing them almost instantly. In a moment, your arms and hands are vulpine forelegs and paws. The fur covers your head as your face begins to reshape into a muzzle. Your ears move up to the top of your head and become furry and pointed, and your nose flattens out and becomes black and wet.
Your tongue grows longer to fit your new muzzle, and your teeth become sharp and pointed. As the changes finish, you try to say something, but all that comes out is a vulpine whimper.
You are now fully a fox.
Written by nothingsp on 28 December 2004
Looking around
You shake yourself a bit to try to get used to the feeling of being a quadruped. You stumble as you walk, but you feel it is only a matter of time until that phase is over. The mansion is indeed enormous, and you feel dwarfed in comparison, especially being as low to the ground as you are now.
There are several rooms in this place, each with its own, individual purpose. The first three are labelled Sleeping Quarters, Game Room, and Kitchen. Do you choose one of these three rooms or continue down the hall to explore further?
Written by Kibaoftheleaves on 01 August 2008
More doors
There are three more doors before you. One with a strange symbol another with no markings but the door is silver. And the last is just a plain brown door. Which do you choose?
Written by Hnhn on 08 October 2008
The Rakatan Temple
You walk through the plain brown door. You enter the room and find yourself in a dark temple. It looks identical to the Rakatan temple from Knights of the Old Republic . You turn to go back but there is now just a wall. You see a door ahead. You walk to it and a square in the centre sinks in and the door opens. There is a droid like the Overseer from KOTOR it turns and speaks to you in a language you don’t recognise. It doesn’t even sound human. You mutter under your breath but of course all that come out is a fox growl. The Droid then speaks to in a language that sounds like growling. You try desperately hard to speak, to say “What language are you speaking?†but you just emit a series of yips and growls and barks. The Droid then tries a language that sounds like an amphibious race. You howl (I don’t know if foxes can howl if they can’t or don’t please correct me) in frustration. Then the droid tries a language you understand.
“I programmed with all the languages of the slaves of the builders. So that I may facilitate communication with all participants in the mansion as well as being able to understand the language of any animal.†Said the droid
(Translated) “Why was I brought to the mansion†you say
“I am not programmed to dispense that information†said the droid
“Is this part of the mansion?†you say
“This is a world within the mansion,†said the droid
“What do I do now?†you say
“The doors to my left and right go through a series of rooms. Some transform you, some don’t. They are no Satyrs or Centaurs or Anthros with the exception of the werewolf in the door to the left, and you may also be returned to human but will later be age regressed to a young child around 6 or 7. To the right there is a possible gender change a few doors down.†Said the droid
“And the door behind you?†you say
“It leads to the ultimate power, it resets your time if you have any to just transformed for all forms. There is also a map of the mansion. When you reach this you may study the map as long as you like. You will restart at the beginning of the mansion with a new selection of animals to choose from and a longer deadline. However be ware. The temples defences will try to stop you. If you die then you will be sent back to the world you came from in the form you entered the temple as, in your case a fox.†Said the droid
“What about the right door involving Satyrs or Centaurs?†you say
“There is the option to choose those kinds of forms of that but you don’t have to choose it, and it may not serve you well. Before you can go to the centre door you must reach the terminals at the end of each proving ground. There is no order in which you have to go.†Said the droid
“What about if I don’t want to go through the courses?†you say
“Then you will be teleporting to the surface of this world which is covered in steppes and hills, and strange creatures and perhaps an enclave of strange knights. Though I doubt a fox would survive long in that world. You have all the time you want to decide which path you want.†Said the Droid
So do you wish to go to the left or to the right or try your luck on the surface?
Written by Hnhn on 10 November 2008
Turret room and first test
You go left. The door opens automatically and then closes behind you. The room you are in is identical to the one you left except it is longer. At both ends there are what look like automated turrets on the floor and ceiling. There are four on each end in the corners. They start to point where ever you are at and begin rapidly firing bolts of energy at you. One glazes off your shoulder, singeing your fur and part of your skin. You yelp in pain then dash across the room, barely dodging each volt. You soon move to side so that the bottom left turrets on each side are dead on with each other then dodge to the side. The volts hit destroy the turrets. You do the same to the other lower turrets then run to the other door as you seen energy traveling through the damaged turrets, repairing them. The Door closes behind you. You lick your wound then walk towards a terminal in the center of the room. Several platforms rise to form stairs so you can reach it. You look at the terminal. It powers on a series of characters you cannot recognize appear on the screen. What do you do? The door at the other end of the room is won’t open.
Written by Hnhn on 09 January 2009
The first test
You whimper and the terminal goes blank then a green light shoots from it and scans you. The buttons on the terminal adjust to a size so that your paw can easily press them and there is a beeping noise, a calm male voice emanates from the terminal in the same language the droid in the entrance of the temple first spoke to you, letters that you recognize form words that don’t look like any language that you have heard of roll across the screen. You growl in annoyance at how long this may take. The terminal goes silent again then the voice speaks in a language that you can understand
“Language analysis complete, primary functions activated, beginning social interaction†said the terminal
Translated “What are your primary functions?†you ask
“This terminal is apart of the first test to determine if you are worthy to gain access to the inner chambers if the temples, this as well as all the other tests will test you physically and mentally. If you are successful with this unit you may move on, if you are not you will die.†Said the Terminal
“What is the purpose of the mansion?†you ask in hopes that this terminal will give a satisfactory answer
“I am not programmed with that information nor are any other units, this unit will now perform its primary function†said the terminal
Letters appeared on the screen. They read:
Solve these equations
You sigh there are four options available
“Once again if you get this wrong you will be killed then returned to your home in the current form you are in.†said the terminal
The options are
A: x=3; 0; 9,087,786,942; 0
B: x=3 and equation is incorrect; 0; 9,087,786,942; 0
C: 12x=18; 3.14; 10000980; 0.7897654
D:27=18; Pie; long number; also a long number; and 0
Written by Hnhn on 06 March 2009
Correct answer
Correct answer
After doing the math in your head you decide that letter A is the correct answer. You hesitantly reach a paw forward and hit the button that is displaying “Aâ€Â. The terminal beeps a few times and you flinch.
“Correct answer unlocking forward door, ending session, initiating stasis.†Said the terminal
The door on the other end of the room opened and the terminal powered down. You quickly moved across the floor to the door. The door closes behind you. You then face your next challenge.
Written by Hnhn on 08 March 2009
A test of morals
There is a solid sphere in the center of the room. There is the sound that resembles water swirling around. You walk up to it and look into it. Many colors begin to appear and swirled around with the white. You are fascinated by it and cannot look away. The colors begin swirling faster and aster until it is a blur. A beam of the mixture of the colors shoots out at you. You are suspended in the air.<spanFullTF> Your body pulses as you grow bigger and your paws reshape into hands. Your muzzle shrinks back in and so does your tale<spanFullTF>. After you become fully human again you are dropped back onto the floor. You stand up shakily on your legs, not used to being a biped. You give a shout of praise but stop short. Your voice is a higher pitch. You look your body over and estimate your age to be around 7. You are not wearing your original outfit but instead are wearing black knee length shorts and a black short sleeved shirt. The orb goes black and sinks into the ground. The door on the opposing end of the room opens. You walk through the door. Your mind is readjusting to the human body and your bare feet patter on stone sounds nearly alien to you. You enter the next room. The door shuts behind you. This room is circular except for the far wall. There are three doors on this wall. You run over to them hoping that there isn’t a trap. Right when you are only a few leaps away from the doors a robbed figure materialises in front of you. You slide to a stop. Slipping on the dust you fall over. The figure is tall, taller then most adults and hooded. You get up and look up at the figure. It flickers once and you realize that it is a hologram.
“The three door behind me lead to different things. One is wealth the other is escape and wealth and the last leads to the next challenge.†Said the being, its voice was powerful and echoed throughout the
In front of the middle door a child rose out of the ground. The child was caught in a machine.
“This machine slowly regresses you. The only way out is if someone pushes you out and takes your place this unfortunate person got caught it in it. Selflessness can be rewarding. The door over to the right of the room that you obviously missed leads back to the beginning of the mansion. Choose wisely.†Said the hologram vanishing
So what will it be? The door to the right or the center door or the left door, or will you escape or help the kid caught in the machine?
Written by Hnhn on 25 April 2009
It will not open
You walk up to the centre door. It remains closed. You reach up to touch it. The door is cold and despite its appearance, it is smooth. Layers of dust left over the millennia coat your hand as you slide it across the door. It still will not open, yet. You go back to the centre and remember what the being said: “Selflessness can be rewarding†(hint, hint)
Written by Hnhn on 07 July 2009
The end (for now)