Why Must We Research Plant Phylums?
The green-smelling room has a few doors, each with an equally incomprehensible Latin word. You choose the "embryophite" door, figuring that maybe you'll get lucky.
The door shuts behind you and you find yourself in a room full of tasteful land plants; shrubs, trees, flowers--the like. Butterflies flutter hither and yon, and somehow sunshine sparkles silently, making the flora glow healthily.
Then it hits you; you're totally screwed. Your impending doom is going to leave you a plant until hell freezes over; you'll lose all motor function, all brain activity, and anything else that makes humans human. In short, when you finally step through the door labeled with a species... it's game over, for good.
"Welcome to the 'Embryophite' classification," that infernal voice booms, "now you must choose a sub-classification."
Three doors stand: "Bryophites," "Traecheophites," and "Spermatophytes." The choice is yours, but either way... it looks like your doom is almost upon you.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 07 January 2007
The end (for now)