The Itsy Bitsy Spidurrrr...
For reasons you can't directly fathom, you choose the door marked in small letters as "Arachnida." You step inside a dark entryway and the door shuts behind you.
You immediately get the biggest case of the creeps you've ever had. What lies before you would drive the faint-of-mind insane.
It's apparent that many "visitors" to this room have chosen to stay here permanently; what was once some kind of wooden room with overhanging rafters is now filled, every square inch, with spider webs.
You can see the styles of a thousand different spiders in the cloudy strands of silk that choke the room from ceiling to an area some twelve inches off the floor. This "clear" area swarms with a living, rustling carpet of scorpions and tarantulas. Mites and ticks serve as the filler material in this hellish carpet.
You can only guess at how many countless souls before you have entered this room, been transformed, and then been unable to adapt to their arachnid senses, blinded to the exit, and whose only course of action had been to live as best they could. Between the sickly yellow egg sacs of the web, fierce cannibalism no doubt rages among the eight-legged, the overcrowding of the room leading to a feeding-frenzy that never ends.
The spiders and scorpions down below feast on the mites and the ticks. What do the mites and ticks eat? God only knows.
The only mercy sparing you from this hell is that the entryway you stand in is magically kept free from the arachnids inside. Already some have detected your presence and are clawing or leaping at an invisible barrier at the edge of the entryway. Is it a gesture of warning, or has it been a long time since the piles of ticks and mites, the slippery heaps of scorpions and tarantulas have tasted anything besides their fellow brothers?
In the middle of the room stands a pedestal. There are bright, glowing golden things on it; the best you can make out through the web is the bright things is they are shapes of arachnids.
The rules seem to be simple; touch the icon and turn into what you touched.
But... how far would you make it afterwards? And... where's the exit? You can't tell at all through the webs...
It's safe to say that 99% percent of the populace would quickly go insane at the mere sight of this room, not to mention being locked inside. Although not insane just yet, the horror of the scene threatens to overcome your mind. Better find some way to hold together... you're not leaving without leaving the entrance...
Written by Mr.Peaches on 19 November 2006