I Can't Help It! It's so... ahh, you know where I
It's hard to move. You're un-used to this form, or rather, having your form shifted willy-nilly.
You've got an uneasy feeling you're going to get very used to it soon. As you move toward the door with the light, some of the behavioral patterns of your genetic fathers kicks in, and you feel a slight attraction to red meat and also shiny things.
It's not overpowering, but you should probably keep tabs on that...
Being that light oft symbolizes good, you decide to enter the room with the light.
And what... the devil... is happening?
Inside the room, perhaps a fifty foot circle, stands a lithe, sweaty man juggling fifteen burning white phosphorous flares. Without ever taking his eyes off the torches, he addresses you. "You'll be jugglin' fer yer next change!"
He shouts.
This should be hilarious.
On the table before you, covered in an ancient cloth, lies three apples, three road flares, and three chainsaws. You'll have to juggle one item, and how it will change you is anyone's guess...
all you know is it should relate to those items somehow...
Written by Mr.Peaches on 14 November 2006
The end (for now)