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Master? emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"I need to get back to normal, before it to late" you think to yourself as you continue your exploration.
You have just entered a room filled with various mannequins and are starting to feel uneasy. You hear a strange sound and turn around to see a mannequin moving. It takes you a minute to realize that they are coming alive.
The figures are not hostile but their intentions are obviously clear as they beckon you to them with lustful grins.You gulp, the female fox part of you interested but the real you is more interested in a way out.
You try to leave the room but they fill the doorway, you are trapped.The mannequins advance on you.
"WAIT!" a voice shouts as the figures stop and look around confused.
A girl comes running into the room
"What are you doing with my pet?" she asks as she takes in the scene.
"Your pet?" you ask, but all that comes out are fox noises.
"Yes, she is a beloved stuffed toy." The girl looks at the figures and gives them a command "She isn't your plaything so leave her alone"
The figures turn back to mannequins and the girl walks towards you smiling.
You try to respond but all that comes out are more fox noises which causes the girl to giggle.
"What is your name?" she asks
You slowly spell out your name.
"Wrong, your name is Vix" she says rearranging the letters.
She reaches down and touches your head "Be a vixen forever".
You mind fills with images before settling on one. It is no longer the room you are in but rather a secluded forest glade with a small river flowing through it. You are drinking from the river as something catches your eye. A small red fruits is growing on a bush nearby. You eat it and enjoy the sweetness before wandering back to the glade and curl up in front of a large stone, waiting for your master to return.
You come back to reality with her stroking your head "Good girl, now I can call you vixen."
You want to cry out for help but your voice is that of a cute little fox. You can barely talk.
"Come on then" She takes your by the scruff and leads you out of the room.

Written by Ai Dungeon on 02 June 2021

The end (for now)

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