What other option is there?
Current Form: Red Fox
Current Gender: Male
Current Stature: Feral
Nights in This Form: 0
Mentality Status: 100%
Total Nights: 0
Current Time: 16:10
A little shaken from your recent venture, you pad over to the trapdoor, ready to move on.
It doesn't appear to be locked, but without the availability of hands, opening it is still going to be quite the task. You push and shove with your muzzle, trying to get a bit of leverage, but with no luck.
After several minutes of this, you give up, sitting back to ponder the puzzle before you. A sudden realization strikes you, and you decide to have another go at the trapdoor.
This time, you go around to the back of the door and carefully clasp the handle in your mouth. The cold metal grinds painfully against your teeth, but you keep your jaw clenched as you slowly walk backwards.
Your plan works and the trapdoor is open. Without thinking any further, you dive into the dark shaft before you. You immediately regret this decision as you fall head over tail down several meters before cracking your skull on the floor and getting knocked out.
Eight hours later, you are awoken by a loud reverberating bell that rings throughout the mansion, announcing that coming of midnight. It has been 24 hours since you came to this mansion, and the clock has truly begun to tick for you.
You stumble to your paws, fighting off a terrible headache, and look around the room. It is small and damp. The walls and floor are made of loosely packed stones and the ceiling is made of what looks to be one big iron plate. The only two obvious exits are a small grate at ground level, and an unblocked ventilation shaft high up on the wall.
As you ponder the current situation, you suddenly realize how terribly parched you are. You tongue feels rough and dry, and your throat is scratchy from lack of moisture. Your going to need to find something to drink soon, or you may die of dehydration.
Written by neonsilver on 17 February 2016
The end (for now)