Stray Not From Thy Path oh Brave Explorer
Current Form: Red Fox
Current Gender: <span class="female">Female</span>
Current Stature: Feral
Nights in this Form: 0
Mentality Status: 100%
Total Nights: 0
Current Time: 1:10
Not wanting to waste time, you lope down the hallway and stop at the door at the end. Pushing yourself up against it, you find yourself met with resistance. You push harder and feel the door shift slightly under your weight. Encouraged, you continue to push until it is open just enough for you to fit.
Panting with exertion, you squeeze into the next room. It is a fairly small, square room with stone walls. There is only one other door at the far end of the room. By the illumination of several torches, you can see a stone pillar in the center of the room with what appears to be a glass pyramid atop it.
You stop and rest for a while as you think of what to do next. Once you have recaptured your breath, you decide that the best course of action would be to...
30 minutes have passed.
Written by neonsilver on 16 September 2015
The end (for now)