Brown Recluse
<spanFullTF> You touch a large brown spider with some sort of black symbol on it's back. At first nothing happens but then you feel all your fur retreat back into your body. You think you are becoming human once more but then you feel a stabbing pain in four places on your ribs. You collapse in pain gasping for air or some sort of relief but the only thing that comes are four large legs covered in blood and skin.
the next part of your transformation is even more painful as you feel all your bones crack and new bone like structures grow where your previous skin was. You front and rear paws elongate until they are the same length as your other new legs and then tiny hairs start growing al over your body. A pressing sensation can be felt in your head as your mouth gains two pincers filled with a toxic venom and you have six more eyes you can see through.
the you feel your rear end swell to a size 5 times bigger than the rest of you. A steady heartbeat can be felt in their along with some sort of organ growth... You realize this to be....<spanFullTF>
Written by Anonymous on 10 March 2013