Cue the Kung-Fu Action Sequence
"I choose..." Dramatic pause... "Trial by Ninja Master!"
The cheering resumes.
"You GOT it!" (Cheers.)
"NAGA vs. NINJA!" (Should have seen that one coming.)
"The CHOICE IS MADE, so get ready… to FIGHT!"
And just like that, the floor drops out from under you.
You land almost gracefully and find yourself in a circular stone room, wondering if somehow you picked fire by mistake. There's not much to see here but lots of candles. If there's a Ninja Master, he's a very well-hidden one.
Oh, and there's a sword stuck in the floor. It's easy to guess who that's for. Maybe the Ninja Master is waiting until you pick it up. Leave the sword alone, and maybe you could just sit in here where it's quiet and relax… That would get boring pretty quickly, though, especially after the candles burn out.
Hmm. Candles, swords, ninjas… You have a sudden vision of yourself versus the Ninja Master, whirling around the room, slicing candles in half with your blades like the most awesome sword fight you've ever seen on TV. Then you have a vision of yourself dropping the sword and lighting yourself on fire. The question is, could you actually make the awesome sword fight happen, or have you just watched too many movies?
Of course, either one would be more interesting than just sitting here.
Written by Chrysalis on 25 December 2010