A Dragon. You push yourself up and take a deep breath. You try to get up on your back feet, but you find it hard o do so. also you feel weird all over. You take a deep breath again and then you see it. You saw it out of the corner of your eye. you looked down to get a better look and you see that you have large scaly claws for hands! you look at the rest of your body and see that you have become a dragon! green scales as your new skin, Wings on your back, a long tail, and to top it all off you feel this warm feeling inside your new coldblooded body. You didn't seem to grow any as you are the same size a large cat would be. that is to say about a panthers size. At least you know that you can fit through doors still.
You calm down and look around the house. it seems to have changed now because there is only 2 doors in the room. Left or right...each door could lead to anything. You have 30 days to get out of this body and maybe become human again. but that won't happen standing here all day.
Written by Dustomega on 21 November 2010