You find a room with a metal ball.
You go south and with a thud the door closes behind you.
In the room are 5 coloured buttons(Red,Blue,Green,Yellow,Black) and another door. In front of each door is a button that says open. And a giant metal ball hanging from the ceiling.
You notice some writing on a wall.
wklv pdfklqh zloo wxuq brx edfn kxpdq exw wkhq lqwr dqrwkhu irup edvhg rq zklfk exwwrq brx sxvk
vih woyro
gqzj mzrfs lnwq
mxkkt jaiq
flssvd obthu ivf
jtiks jiks bw jmnwzm
So which of the 7 buttons do you push.
Skunk,human girl,duck,human boy,back to before
Written by catprog on 12 July 2010