This time, you're the first to try out the machine. You step inside and ask Kim to press the blue button. The smoke is too thick for you to see the transformation, but you can feel it. Fur replaces your feathers. Your wings disappear, but as if to make up for it, sharp claws sprout from your fingers. Your beak softens into a muzzle full of sharp teeth, with a cold, wet nose on the end. The smoke suddenly makes you sneeze. Pointed ears grow on the back of your head, a bushy tail grows in place of the feathered one, and padded paws replace your talons. It would be a classic werewolf transformation if you hadn't started out as a bird.
When you step out of the machine, a wolf on two legs, it's almost as if you've taken the smoke with you. Your body is covered in a coat of thick gray fur. It's even warmer than the feathers you had before.
"Still female, I see," says Kim. The control panel in front of him shows the number 4 and a timer counting down from one hour. "Do you want to try a different button?"
Written by Chrysalis on 31 December 2009
The end (for now)