You decide it's your turn to go first in this machine. The door shuts as soon as you're inside. Kim pushes the red button, and the chamber fills with smoke; you can't see the changes, but you can feel them.
Your wings are the first things to go, which you find surprisingly disappointing, though it's nice to have normal arms again. Your feathers shrink and vanish. Your sharp beak melts away, replaced with a more familiar mouth and nose, and ears reappear on the outside of your head - though the nose and ears are much larger than you remember. Your talons become trotters, and your tail shrinks to nearly nothing, a tiny twist on your rump. The whole time, you can feel your body expanding, wrapping layer after layer of fat around your no-longer-hollow bones. You come out of the machine a good hundred pounds heavier than you went in. The fat keeps you surprisingly warm, though the cold air raises the hairs on your bare pink skin.
"A pig?" Kim looks surprised. Actually, "sow" would be more appropriate. You're still female - very much so. Kim looks down at the controls. "Well... We've still got four charges left if you want to try again."
Written by Chrysalis on 31 December 2009
The end (for now)