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There's something fishy here. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You feel quite splendid in your new blue streamlined shape, but maybe not quite so bright. You're stuck in the fountain now. The courtyard looks interesting, but you can't even keep your head out of the water for long, much less climb out of it. Maybe you should have explored a bit before turning yourself into a fish.


Well, it's too late now. You won't be going anywhere out of the water. Your only hope is that there's another way out of the fountain.


As it turns out, there is. You find it surprisingly easy to swim as a fish, especially considering that the one limb you have left is the one you didn't have as a human. It doesn't matter. You move like liquid elegance with fins. The bottom of the pool is green and murky, with the stems of aquatic plants protruding from the algae. Several of them look quite tasty. You stay away from the ones near the fountain base; the intake pipe is large enough for you to fit into, and the suction is surprisingly strong. Other than that, the only things in the pool are the openings of two tunnels. One of them is rough, just a hole in the wall with a passage of uneven stone behind it; you'd think it was some sort of underwater cave if you hadn't found it at the bottom of a fountain. The other opening is neat and square, with columns that look vaguely Greek. A few words you can't read are written across the top. That's not exactly what you expected to find at the bottom of a fountain either. Apparently, people - or fish - have been here before you.


Three openings and some plants: those seem to be the only things in the fountain. They're also your only possible ways of getting somewhere more interesting - unless, that is, you want to just swim in circles for the rest of your life.

Written by Chrysalis on 27 December 2009

Both Stay in the fountain

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