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you got out of the maze. star star star emptystar emptystar

<!--Add link from MALE Gw9 Cy9 Cm9 Eg9 in the maze-->You walke out of the maze and finally see walls that don't reflect yourself. you are very grateful. However you feel very different from before. you look at yourself.
the first thing you see is that you have fur all over your body. you look more and find a tail behind you. you pull on it to get a feeling of it. it hurt. you move it back and forth slowly. it was such a weird feeling to you.
you yry to find if anything else changed and look around. something seems off. you look back at the door and see that the door nob is higher that you remember. your age must have changed! you must be around 8 years old.
you remember walking in there as a boy, but now you are a girl. it seems that everything about you was transformed. you really didn't want to be a girl, however you feel a part of you liking it. it must be the new female part of your brain that will just get stronger day by day s your male part gets weaker.
You took a deep breath. it seemed that everything but your gender has changed. you are kind of relived about that at least
Oh well no time to look at yourself. every second your mind starts to change into your new form. if you don't want that to happen you better get moving, but where?

Written by Dustomega on 12 July 2009

The end (for now)

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