back in the mansion.
<!--http://catprog.org/Maze/1/101%20Exit%20the%20maze/MALE%20Gw9%20Cm9%20Bm9--> You open the door to the exit of this maze and step through it. you look around and see that you are in a hall way of the mansion. You knew it was then mansion because of the same walls and carpet as you walked in. But it all looked different. Then you remember that you were transformed and look at yourself. "So...I started out as a tiger....and now I am a small wolf kid." you say. You look around again and see many doors and ways you can go. Some to the left, and some to the right. You don't know where in the mansion you are at or where you may end up, but you only have a few days before your mind is changed into a anthro wolf's. So which way do you go now?
Written by Dustomega on 07 July 2009
The end (for now)