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Things are about to get chaotic... star star star star emptystar

You find a copy of one of the last games to be released for the Dreamcast; Sonic Adventure 2. What luck!
Unfortunately, you are still a tiger, so how you are going to open the case (let alone play the game) with paws is beyond me.
You eventually manage to pry the case open with your teeth, but instead of finding a game inside, you are met with a blinding white light.
Then you feel it. A surge of power runs through your body and begins to change it. <spanFullTF>Your tail shrinks as your orange and black fur is replaced with crimson and black. You become shorter, and your front paws start to change into hands again. Six spines extend from the back of your head, and two more appear on your back. White, black, and red shoes appear on your back feet, and white gloves cuffed by gold rings appear on your hands.<spanFullTF>
You stand up shakily, trying to get used to having two legs again. You look down at yourself, and quickly notice something:
Yes, you're back on two feet, but you're far from human.
That would explain the bright light; it was Chaos Control! Now you can even feel its power inside you, waiting to be unleashed.
You have become none other than the Ultimate Lifeform: Shadow the Hedgehog.


Written by Prime Metallix on 09 May 2009

The end (for now)

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