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I don't envy the next person who uses this door. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Quickly, you run through your options. Hands? Gone. Tail? Probably not - you look like the kind of lizard with a disposable tail, not a prehensile one. Tentacles? No, not on a lizard. It looks like it'll have to be your mouth.


You scrabble at the door with your front claws and manage, awkwardly, to pull yourself up onto it. You have to lean on your tail to keep from falling over. Your head is just high enough to reach the knob - it's a good thing you're a big lizard. You clamp your jaws around the knob, ignoring the nasty metallic taste, and twist. It's harder than it looks; you nearly sprain your neck before the knob clicks and the door swings open. You lose your balance and fall back to the floor, slipping off of the rather soggy doorknob. You scurry forward quickly before the door closes.

Written by Chrysalis on 15 January 2009

Both The Hall of Hooves

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