Turret room and first test
You go left. The door opens automatically and then closes behind you. The room you are in is identical to the one you left except it is longer. At both ends there are what look like automated turrets on the floor and ceiling. There are four on each end in the corners. They start to point where ever you are at and begin rapidly firing bolts of energy at you. One glazes off your shoulder, singeing your fur and part of your skin. You yelp in pain then dash across the room, barely dodging each volt. You soon move to side so that the bottom left turrets on each side are dead on with each other then dodge to the side. The volts hit destroy the turrets. You do the same to the other lower turrets then run to the other door as you seen energy traveling through the damaged turrets, repairing them. The Door closes behind you. You lick your wound then walk towards a terminal in the center of the room. Several platforms rise to form stairs so you can reach it. You look at the terminal. It powers on a series of characters you cannot recognize appear on the screen. What do you do? The door at the other end of the room is won’t open.
Written by Hnhn on 09 January 2009