The Rakatan Temple
You walk through the plain brown door. You enter the room and find yourself in a dark temple. It looks identical to the Rakatan temple from Knights of the Old Republic . You turn to go back but there is now just a wall. You see a door ahead. You walk to it and a square in the centre sinks in and the door opens. There is a droid like the Overseer from KOTOR it turns and speaks to you in a language you don’t recognise. It doesn’t even sound human. You mutter under your breath but of course all that come out is a fox growl. The Droid then speaks to in a language that sounds like growling. You try desperately hard to speak, to say “What language are you speaking?†but you just emit a series of yips and growls and barks. The Droid then tries a language that sounds like an amphibious race. You howl (I don’t know if foxes can howl if they can’t or don’t please correct me) in frustration. Then the droid tries a language you understand.
“I programmed with all the languages of the slaves of the builders. So that I may facilitate communication with all participants in the mansion as well as being able to understand the language of any animal.†Said the droid
(Translated) “Why was I brought to the mansion†you say
“I am not programmed to dispense that information†said the droid
“Is this part of the mansion?†you say
“This is a world within the mansion,†said the droid
“What do I do now?†you say
“The doors to my left and right go through a series of rooms. Some transform you, some don’t. They are no Satyrs or Centaurs or Anthros with the exception of the werewolf in the door to the left, and you may also be returned to human but will later be age regressed to a young child around 6 or 7. To the right there is a possible gender change a few doors down.†Said the droid
“And the door behind you?†you say
“It leads to the ultimate power, it resets your time if you have any to just transformed for all forms. There is also a map of the mansion. When you reach this you may study the map as long as you like. You will restart at the beginning of the mansion with a new selection of animals to choose from and a longer deadline. However be ware. The temples defences will try to stop you. If you die then you will be sent back to the world you came from in the form you entered the temple as, in your case a fox.†Said the droid
“What about the right door involving Satyrs or Centaurs?†you say
“There is the option to choose those kinds of forms of that but you don’t have to choose it, and it may not serve you well. Before you can go to the centre door you must reach the terminals at the end of each proving ground. There is no order in which you have to go.†Said the droid
“What about if I don’t want to go through the courses?†you say
“Then you will be teleporting to the surface of this world which is covered in steppes and hills, and strange creatures and perhaps an enclave of strange knights. Though I doubt a fox would survive long in that world. You have all the time you want to decide which path you want.†Said the Droid
So do you wish to go to the left or to the right or try your luck on the surface?
Written by Hnhn on 10 November 2008